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I need MORE Sam & Max!


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We haven't had any new Sam & Max news or ANYTHING in AGES. I'm going insane. I need some MORE. It's like being forced not to eat. Jake for the love of god SCAN something I haven't seen...or Klinger FIND SOMETHING on the net thats always new to us. Your good at that...I think.


And does anybody have the picture of the Fat rat sitting on a throne made of a cereal box with his 3 rat servants? I know it exists, i have it printed but not saved.


Or does anybody have the picture of my Sam & Max jackolantern i made? I lost that too.



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Extra information: People who think they're smart while being stupid:


A math problem:

The force needed to overcome and drag a person across the floor depends on the person’s weight. Manuel Dexterity can drag Gil O’Teen across the floor by pulling with a force of 51 pounds. Gil’s brother, Nick, who weighs twice as much, can be dragged across the floor by pulling with a force of 102 pounds.

Allie: This is scary. The guy’s name is Nick O’Teen.

Me: I wonder if the editors caught that. They shouldn’t talk about nicotine in a math book.

Allie: ::laughs::

Me: And plus, why are they dragging these people across the floor? Get a body bag!



--Our reaction to a math problem


Don't post your reactions on the internet if you get one third of a pun while reading from physics-illiterate math books. Try not to say other stupid things while you're at it. And definitely don't quote Sam & Max as so I would stumble along your webpage while I look for something interesting. The name "Renata" seems to come up a few times. And that's all she wrote.

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