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Star Wars: Total Annihilation announces release of Walker Pack


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Star Wars: TA, the popular mod for the classic RTS Total Annihilation, is proud to announce the release of its third installment, the Walker Pack!


SWTA is an alternate approach to a Star Wars RTS, taking advantage of the Total Annihlation engine's real-time physics and advanced unit control abilities to offer a fast-paced game highly dependent on successful unit control and resource management. It's a very different style from SWGB or Force Commander, and the results are something that needs to be played in order to fully appreciate.


The Walker Pack adds 15 units to SWTA: The ATST, ATST Assault Walker, ATPT, ATAV (similar to the Imperial Assault Mech), CAP-9 Personal Walker, Walker Plant, and Ion Cannon for the Imperials; and the ESPO Security Walker, ATPT, V-Wing Atmospheric Fighter, Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher, Mobile Scanner Jammer, Swoop Rider, Golan Laser Turret, and Atgar Laser Dish for the Rebal Alliance.


The pack will be released tomorrow, Friday the 22nd, initially over IRC (join server irc.gamesforums.org channel #swta), and later that day to the general public via our website.


Check it all out at http://www.planetannihilation.com/swta !

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Depends on who you talk to. TA still has a huge following, with news sites and forums every bit as active as this site. I think it's the greatest RTS ever; others find its somewhat bland textures and older-looking unit graphics unappealing. But every game review site out there will agree on one thing: the nonstop action and intense gameplay makes TA an incredible game to play if you enjoy good strategy with lots of nuances.


You can buy TA from Chips & Bits for about $10. Not bad at all :). You can also buy TA and its OUTSTANDING expansion, The Core Contingency, here for $20.


Update: it seems you can now get Total Annihilation for free, provided you pay shipping & handling! Check out Free-CDSoftware for details! Just scroll on down to the "T" section!

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