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Distructible sabers?


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<b>The reason for the dramatically slow ignition in some scenes?</b>


Anakin's lightsaber, Obi-Wan's ANH lightsaber and Luke's RotJ lightsaber all have an "activation matrix" as opposed to a on/off switch. The activation matrix is like a sensor strip as opposed to a button. When they slide their thumbs along the strip, it ignites the lightsaber. The slow ignition in some scenes(for example Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader in the death star) vs the extremely quick ignition in others (for example Luke on the second death star when he "lowers his defenses" and is forced to defend himself quickly when attacked by Vader) is probably due to the speed at which they use their activation matrices.


<b>Why does the lightsaber turn off when it leaves it's user's hand?



This actually doesn't have anything to do with holding down the button or using the force. It is a safety measure that some(but not all) jedi install into their handles called a "deadman" switch. Obviously, when the saber leaves it's user's hand, it is uncontrolled and dangerous to things around it. For this reason, the deadman switch was developed to turn the lightsaber off when it leaves it's user's hand. The switch is a sensor in the handle of the saber that through heat or pressure or other means is able to detect when it is being held and when it is not. Most lightsabers with this option(for example Luke's lightsaber from RotJ) have switches with which they can lock the lightsaber on. This is convienient for Luke because he likes to throw his all the time. With it locked on, it won't turn off while it is in flight.

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newbie eh?


Well to these boards perhaps. I'm not going to shed any tears over that distinction though.


But a newbie where it counts? in the game? or the community at large? not by a long freaking shot.


Ok, you guys are happy about the saber throw, I am nothing worse than basically apathetic toward it... so, we're fine. It *was* lame in MOTS, I know that much. I think the fundamental concept of throwing a saber is lame from the core, but since I won't be using the power... it's no skin off my back. My (dying) opponents are more than welcome to use any and all means they can come up with to attempt to stave off their incoming demise... all but the most ridiculous hacks have never proven very effective in this so I'm certainly not concerned about someone tossing their saber at me.


Now what I'm wondering is, how of all those responses why not a single link to that video? :) I mean, if you want to convince me that saber throw is the bomb... that'd probably be a good way to do it :D


(btw, some of you need to quit taking me so seriously, i'm just fooling around with all the self-agrandizement)

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Well...really, There wouldn't be much of a conceivable reason to throw your lightsaber in a fight, unless you were desperate or something. Without your saber, you have no weapon in hand, and as well cannot block shots, or other sabers. I mean, the only instance I recall a saber being thrown in Star Wars is when Vader threw it to cut down the bridge Luke was on in ROTJ. It's as logical as throwing a sword. You could do it, but there isn't much reason too, as it leaves you quite vunerable

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Pipe Smoke- you really reckon your "It" don't you?

Saber fighting isn't going to be run-slash-hack. Have you played the game yet? Do you know your going to be the best?

Killing your huge ego may be even more difficult than killing you.




I think we're getting alittle 'off' subject here though, aren't we?? :p



I propose JK2 Will be great - Nuff said


Cheers ;)

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You want the real truth?




Yes, I do think I am the greatest Jedi Knight player to ever live.


And my brother is the second greatest.


Or we were... and we shall be again. I promise you.


Making the saber combat more complex in JO will only give me more opportunities to display my unbelievable skill. Just you wait and see.

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IMO there will always be somone that can beat you. Never get to cocky. Better to be deadly and no one know it. Then to be claim to be deadly and eveyone know your not. Let other people make the descions. Trust me, hearing somones good from another person is much more impressive than the person telling me that themselves. So Pipe Smoke, I have no doubt you will be a great saberist, just be careful what you claim.

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There is a lot of theory on Lightsabers floating on the next, the first is actual construction, the second deals with the physical properties of the blade itself.


Building a lightsaber, or in fact wielding it, does not require the force. Indeed, saying so is alot like saying only a Marine can wield an m-16. They may be extremely adept at using one, but they are not the only ones with providence over the equipment. Neither does the weapon make the Marine(try telling a Marine that he/she's nothing without the gun).


A lightsaber, in a basic form, consists of the handle(duh) a power cell(the provider of energy) power conduit.... the focusing crystal(s)[there can be up to three in individual lightsabers, the ones with multiple crystals can actually adjust their length(think Darth Vader)], and a lens assembly, which bends the beam of light into itself giving the end of the lightsaber a "rounded" look. The beam of light isn't hot; it mearly moves the particles around it at a super-fast rate of motion. This is evident when Qui-gon jams his lightsaber into the blast door... The lightsaber isn't melting the door, it's melting itself.


what does all this mean? If you dropped a lightsaber "straight down" the ground would eventually swallow it. Why are Jedi adept at wielding a lightsaber? The blade has no weight. Try swinging your hair brush....Easy right? what about stoping it? imagine a three foot blade comeing out the end... without the force, without the "instict" it's all too easy to cut your own arm off.


I know, too much information, but hey, I think that the lightsaber, and the qualities they represent, is the single most interesting piece of technology in the SW universe.

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Well, technically, it does have weight. Minimal weight, but weight. Just like the light saber is NOT made out of light. If ya look closely, you'll notice the lightsaber deflects light. Can light deflect light? no. it can't. Therefore, it's not light. it's called a LIGHT saber because it EMITS light. That is why it should cast a shadow (that is for the raven guys, if it's not too late to put saber shadows into the game). The blade has to have weight, it'd be impossible to use without it. Ever try holding a hairbrush and pretending there is a sword coming out of it? it's impossible to feel. One needs feedback to know how one is using a weapon, without it one is useless. Proof is in the jedi activites, notice many jedi spinning their lightsaber by the handle, near the blade end. Try that with a hairbrush, notice how you can't spin nothing? Thats why it's like that. The blade itself has some mass to it, even if not much. Thats all my rambling on the topic, thanks a bundle.

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Can light deflect light? no. it can't. Therefore, it's not light. it's called a LIGHT saber because it EMITS light. That is why it should cast a shadow (that is for the raven guys, if it's not too late to put saber shadows into the game).

We have gone through this discussion earlier and ChangKhan(one of the "Raven guys") gave quite good explanation why sabers don't cast shadows. You can read it right here

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theonering.net? excellent! that is what I wanted to hear.


That's where I'm from, been with the site for like 3 years now.


FOTR was awesome, so shall be Episode 2 and 3... and TTT and ROTK, both series are the bomb.


I hope EA's FOTR game comes to PC as I've heard, it looks like it might be pretty cool.


I am so incredibly glad JK2 is being made, JK1 was one of my favorite games of all time, I have such incredibly fond memories of it especially the multiplayer... even if it was chalk full of hackers.


And I mean *bad* hackers.


Anyone remember the fully-automatic unlimited-ammo concussion rifle? with increased power to boot? or the "fade to black" hack where they made you die over and over for eternity?




I haven't ever seen such outlandish hacks in any other game.


But it remains some of my fondest memories.


So, naturally I was on the look out for it's successor. When I first heard about Obi-Wan I thought that might be the one, but my interest dropped pretty quickly, and the consoles can have that stinker... I don't care.


So then I was in despair but I found out about New Legends, and it was having trouble getting a publisher. But then it got one and I was like "YES!!! Justin Chin!!! this is the true spiritual successor to JK even if it has regular swords rather than lightsabers!!"


And I was seriously pumped for it.


Then X-Box evilness consumed it.


And once again I was in despair.


Then Raven, my long time favorite company... ever since I found Heretic back in the day, took up the torch and looks to be making a game that will be worthy to the original in every conceivable way! and better it in many respects!


I just hope the multiplayer can match the feel, I think the single player is going to be leaps and bounds better, but I hope the physics and the pace at which you run and stuff, and just the feel of the levels and such... match JK1 fairly well, and don't feel like Quake 3.


Quake 3's engine has lead to a lot of great games, but the game itself sucked.


I did love Quake 1 and 2 though, 1 especially.


Well anyway, I couldn't be happier about how things have gone, even if I do still lament the loss of New Legends.


Raven, thank you so much for not caving to the evil console crap, although feel free to port or do symeltaneous releases for those stupid things if it pays the bills, at some point in the future... just don't stop doing PC versions, and don't let the PC version's quality suffer for the other being made.


And also thanks for always responding to my e-mails over the years, even if not so much nowadays as back then.


Well there you have a big long babble from me, for no apparent reason. I'll end it by once again stating that I am going to be the saber master :) I always used the Jerec skin, I wonder what I'll use now... maybe just good old Kyle.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Which book was that?? I can remember the lightsaber, but not the book. Its been a while since I read all the books.


Its already proven that you dont have to be a force user to activate the lightsaber, forget the books when done wrong they mess themselves up. The ESB han solo.


Aslo rave i think he meant that the person use the force to activate the swicth fipping or pressing the button.

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