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newbie question - Force powers


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Ok here you go try out this forum topic.




That should give you a good bit of info on what to expect. Also, I have a question for you. Are you in the EF clan OO? If so, I was wondering what servers you play on. I play EF a lot and am in the clan SWS. Although were new to 1.2 we aren't bad at all.



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ill see if i can't find you a stripped down version of jk that you could download darthbob..


JK with a maximum install was 128mb.. with cutscenes, sp, and everything not neccessary for mp play removed it ought to be something even more signficantly smaller than that, as far as size goes.


i can then show you what jk force play was like :)

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Oh no it's just the same as full JK. It's just only level 9 of the SP game, and the bespin mining station level and about 5 useable skins in multiplayer. But besides that all is the same, heck even the cheat codes work so you can have fun with all Force Powers and weapons when you get bored on your 4th time of playing through the level. (same applies for MotS.. but no MP option)

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Actually, for the purpose of getting familar with Force Powers, and holding me over until the big day, where can I get the JK Demo? Does it support MP?




p.s.s. I ordered JK2 via Lucus on-line, can I change the order to the collector's edition?


p.s.s.s. Did I mention I can't take the waiting?!

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