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It all depends on how the mapper creates the map. A pane of glass can either be as indestructable as a stone wall, or very fragile. Usually they are created as entities in the map. If health is assigned to the entitiy, then enough damage has to be applied to that glass inorder for it to break. Its that same thing that would be done to create a breakable box or crate.


So how will glass be handled? Any way the mapper wants is how. The engine is flexible.



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As far as I know, the Quake III engine didn't originally support beaking glass, but Raven added the feature for SOF 2 and now for Jedi Outcast. You can see glass breaking in one of the early screenshots (Kyle force-pushes a stormtrooper through it).

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Originally posted by Brick

I doubt we'll see much breaking glass in the game. Star Wars glass is actually transparasteel. Not much shattering involved there.


Well that was a big argument when Raven announced some of the features along with the announcement of JK2. But it looks like they've gone and done it anyway :p

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Yeah...in the early E3 footage (Videogamegal.com) they showed off lots of breaking glass. I don't think all things transparent in the Star Wars universe are necessarily transparisteel, either. On Bespin in ESB during the Vader/Luke duel that big window just shatters when hit by flying debris...not much like transparisteel, IMHO. :)


As for the lightsaber just melting glass...well, maybe if it was moving slowly enough. But a lightsaber is also somewhat solid...and I reckon any solid or semi-solid object moving at speed against a pane of glass is going to shatter it...superheated or not.


I doubt we'll be able to just melt holes (that stay) in the glass we come across in the game, at any rate. That's getting into GeoMod territory... ;)

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Not to sound argumentive, StormHammer, but I think that the intense heat of a lightsaber would melt through the glass before it had a chance to break, just like it melts through walls. It's a beam of intense energy, not a club.


Anyhoo, I figure that since Vader broke the glass in ESB, not all glass in SW is transparisteel. I actually can't rememer if transparisteel was actually something in the movies or something made up in the EU. Whatever the answer, I'm sure that the breaking glass in JO will fit in just fine.

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Quote: Not to sound argumentive, StormHammer, but I think that the intense heat of a lightsaber would melt through the glass before it had a chance to break, just like it melts through walls. It's a beam of intense energy, not a club.


Actually a lightsaber blade isnt meant to give off any heat atall, it is pure energy and in the same way you dont get heat from a battery you shouldnt get heat from a lightsaber, the only biproduct of the energy is the light it emmits. Not exactly sure where i got read this but im pretty sure its the accepted theory.


The fact it melted through a wall in episode one was either due to some kind of manipulation of the force, or an inconsistency with the other starwars material.

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Or it could have been a Monster of the Id...


I thought Forbidden Planet the moment I saw that scene... :rolleyes:


Brick...hey, I have no problem if you disagree with my opinion. It's just an observation...a possibility...and it's not set in concrete. :D The fact is...nobody really knows...because it's Science Fiction... ;)

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what about thoes screen map thingies? theones in the controll rooms. They hava already shown pics of them broke, and i just assumed that they were glass, at the start of ESB on hoth when Leia is talking to someone aobut luke or han i dont remember they are looking at thoes things. So i assume that they are glass and they are breakable, they have already shown screens. SO maybe there is transparasteal and glass, two diffrent things in the SW universe similar physical properties diffrent chemical properties.

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The only biproduct is the light? :eyeraise: If that was true, the lightsaber would just be a really hard glow rod. I sincerely doubt that it was created just to help land planes.


The "heat" is part of what makes it a dangerous weapon. If it was just more dense than any physical material, then it would require that the user be amazingly strong, stronger than even the Force could make him, so cut through something like a blast door. And frankly, what George Lucas says goes! If Qui-Gon used the lightsaber to cut through the blast door in Ep1, then it wasn't the Force that heated the lightsaber, it was the heat from the lightsaber itself. It's what makes it dangerous. :slsaber:


Ah, yes, and if I remember correctly, Maul's lightsaber left a scorch mark when it came out of Qui-Gon's back.


There is really no right answer, short of getting an exclusive interview with George Lucas, during which he'd probably tell us all to get a life.


Whoops, I'm getting further and further off topic... Would I do that :naughty:


Um... LOOK! A THREE-HEADED MONKEY! :3headed: *Brick flees in terror from encroaching shadow of moderators*

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JR2000Z: Yup. It should in reality, anyway. We don't get to see this in games often, and it confuses people because of that.


StormHammer: You replied while I was typing up my last reply, so I didn't get to reply to you... the second time, anyway (you follow that? Me neither...) I wouldn't worry to much about ol' Brick... I've never been involved in a forum argument or flame war, beyond shutting them down in the forums I moderate. I like an occasional friendly debate, though. It gets me excited, and I really get into my posts. I understand perfectly about accepting that you simply don't agree with someone's opinion. I also believe that it can be productive to exchange information ;)

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Well, since heat and light pretty much go hand in hand then a lightsaber should give off heat. But maybe its magic jedi heat or maybe they wear alot of sun screen or heat resistant clothing? I dont know, but I do know this......LIGHTSABERS ARENT REAL, therefore it isnt very constructive talking about their actual physics. If everything in starwars had a legitimate scientific explanation then im sure that by now we would have to pass laws to ban lightsabers from schools. COME ON PEOPLE IT ISNT REAL!!!!

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