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Destructible Structures


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Hello everyone, i dont know about you guys but i heard that the games designers werent bothering with the whole, finding keys to give you acsess to different areas in this game. I think this is a good thing because it can get a bit tiresome after a while. But obviously for gameplay purposes it may be necessary. What does everyone else think, are you in favour of keys or not? :cool:

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yeah, i think Saberpro knows now that everyone and their twice removed cousin has told him.




Who needs a fully destructable environment anyway? I mean..








...I really can't back that up. I need a fully destructable environment. It would be a good place to take out your anger and frustration on. Ahh, i can see it now.

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I dont really thing Geo-Mod would be fun in this game unless there were one shot kills and no saves or something to make it alot more challenging on certain fronts to make up for it. I wouldnt want to be able to blow a tunnel through a level personally, and if i could they better add alot more stuff like a more advanced stealth system, 1 shot kills, more advanced skills, etc. you cant make one part of something ultra realistic and neglect the rest of it, you have to keep them uniform in order for it to work.

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Stormhammer, I completely agree. Red Faction doesn't use its geo mod feature enough, Halo didn't have enough maps to show off its great graphics, etc. Companies spend years making their games, and when their released, there are only a few levels or maps showing off the great engine that has been made. I mean, if you're going to make an engine that can do amazing things, use it!


What I'd like is a feature in JK2 where you have to do what Qui Gon did on the Trade Federation ship with his lightsaber. If you could cut a hole in a door, it'd be so much more fun.

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