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WARNING: SPOILER!!! -New Info In Star Wars Gamer


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The main Dark Jedi is named Desann.


Some of the article is


The evil of Dark Jedi Desann is much more pervasive than even Luke Skywalker could have guessed. His minions are legions, and you must face them all.

Reborn: Foremost among Desann's servants are his disciples, called the Reborn. Originally, Desann tried to create Force sensitive apprentices through vile experiments, but when these go wrong, he dupes you into helping him realize his dream of truly Force-endowed evil soldiers.

Stormtroopers: These Imperial throwbacks serve Desann and provide a familiar face to fight....


...In the second game, Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Kyle learned that he was Force-sensitive and trained to become a Jedi. He fought Jerec, a Dark Jedi who schemed to steal the secrets of the graveyard known as the Valley of the Jedi. However, Kyle's mercenary side conflicted with his Jedi training, and he was as likely to use a blaster as he was a lightsaber. Although he defeated Jerec, he ultimately decided that the way of the Jedi was not for him. In the expansion pack, Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, Kyle's demons finally usurped his soul, and he was corrupted by the dark side until Mara came to save him...


...The story begins nine years after the conclusion of Mysteries of the Sith, when Kyle believes he no longer needs the Force and doesn't even carry a lightsaber...Kyle is once again undertaking missions for Mon Mothma...His companion on his missions for the New Republic is long-time friend Jan Ors.


The game begins as Kyle is assigned to investigate an old Imperial listening post on the planet Kejim. Mon Mothma suspects that remnants of the Empire have gathered there. Upon arriving on the world, Kyle finds that Mon Mothma's suspicions are correct, as the listening post is guarded by Stormtroopers. Kyle soon discovers that these remnants of the shattered Empire don't herald the resurgence of an Imperial general. Rather, they are the harbingers of a far worse adversayr. A Dark Jedi named Desann has taken over the abandoned Imperial listening post and is using it as a base for his nefarious experiments...


...The first level begins on Kejim...although your original mission is to investigate the listening post and return to Mon Mothma, after Kyle discovers that prisoners are being mistreated at the listening post, you take a detour to help them...


...The second level takes you to a vast mining network of caves and tunnels, then to the Valley of the Jedi. Up to this point, because of Kyle's abandonment of the Force, you'll play Jedi Outcast like a standard shooter...once you reach the Valley of the Jedi, however, Kyle finally understands that he cannot escape the Force; he must embrace it and use his Jedi powers to hunt down Desann. Jedi Outcast is as much abou tmastering your own powerful emotions of anger as iti is about defeating Desann, however, so by the end of the game you must overcome Kyle's Dark Side before you can truly face Desann.


After your epiphany in the Valley of the Jedi, the game's remaining six levels shift to a Jedi-oriented atmosphere as you master you Force powers and use the lightsaber to striked down Desann's minions. you'll travel to Yavin 4 to enlist the aid of Luke Skywalker in reawakening your Jedi powers, pursue a quest on Bespin, and plumb the seedy underworld of Nar SHadda. All the while, Desann mocks you achievements and creeps closer to the culmination of his evil plan.




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Guest X-Vector

I can't believe this, if this is all true then a large part of the storyline has just been ruined.

Which Ravensoft/LEC employee could have leaked this info to Star Wars Gamer?

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Eternity

Shout at Star Wars Gamer instead, what the hell gives them the right to spoil the entire plot.


1. I don't intend to shout.


2. LEC/Ravensoft should never give out betas to any party without keeping control over which part of the content that party is allowed to make public.

If they can't, they shouldn't distribute any betas or similar in-depth info at all.

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I could care less about hearing the storyline before the game comes out (hell I read the book or script of a movie before I see it in the theater). And thats why I'm here to find out all I can about this game to know if it will suck or not. You people and your spoilers,.... sheesh!


The storyline sounds pretty good, and at least they'er including MOTS. So thats coo with me. Can't wait to play!

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Eternity

Agreed. But a professional game magazine such as Star Wars Gamer should know how much to give away in an article, as you must eventually concede.


Of course SWG have a responsibility as well, but they're journalists - they will want to publish as much information and thereby gain as much attention as they think they can get away with.


Originally posted by Graphicsgod:

I could care less about hearing the storyline before the game comes out (hell I read the book or script of a movie before I see it in the theater). And thats why I'm here to find out all I can about this game to know if it will suck or not. You people and your spoilers,.... sheesh!


I could care less about what you think in relation to this issue, I can only voice my own opinions and concerns.


I've been getting increasingly annoyed with the constant bombardment of in-depth game info lately, which isn't limited to JO at all, but more of a general observation.

I bought Medal of Honor: Allied Assault about a week ago, only to come to the conclusion that there aren't any major surprises left in the game so far - they were pretty much all spoilt by the pre-release MP and SP demos and the countless in-game videos and screenshots.

I just felt that in a a way I'd already played the game before I even started it and I'd hate to see the same happen with JO.

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Come on guys they're hardly spoilers, you'd find out this information, if not more, on the back of the box AND in the manual. They didnt give away anything, really important such as appreances or plot twists... just a basic over run of the story which is very common to find in the manual of games and back of box.. as ive said in the begining of this post.

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Yeah, it didn't reveal much new info(or perhaps I already know too much), except the name of the main Dark Jedi and Valley of the Jedi being one of the returning levels. Brett Tosti mentioned most of those same things in XGR interview, so I knew Kejim would be first location, after which we'll visit that mining colony on Artus Prime, but it will be interesting to see how Valley of the Jedi really comes into play. BTW, story doesn't begin "nine years after the conclusion of Mysteries of the Sith" like SW Gamer says, but only four years; it's been about nine years since JK though.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by Indy4

whoever has this magizene scan the pics




If everyone on this forum paypals me $10 I'll pick up a copy and scan it :)

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