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WARNING: SPOILER!!! -New Info In Star Wars Gamer


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I've been wrong before (take the MP screenshot for example, although I'm still not sure on that) but again, I'm going to say I'm pretty sure this is right:


Desann would have mastered the Dark Force enough to turn in to you. That's what would have made him unique, as then you would have to face somebody with the same force powers and skill that you had. Hence the 'clone' screenie.


The only thing that puts doubt on this theory is that LucasArts released the 'clone' screenie, which I doubt they would do if it was the ending surprise. But maybe they intented it to provoke conversation??

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


Come on, do you think i'm a complete idiot, i know what scripting is.


Also they said one time there wouldn't be drivable vehicles, but there are a few. so they have changed a few things.


I'd laugh if it was Jerec and he told you that you'd actually killed a cardboard cutout of him



No I don't think your an idiot.:D;)


They've already said that the path Kyle takes is already set out. So if he's gonna turn do the dark side its cause the programmers already decided he will. Nothing we can do will change where the story is going. Except dieing and quitting to play the game.



We've gotten a lot of information this past month but it all leaves alot out. So Im sure we'll still get suprises. In storyline as well as gameplay.

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It didn't bother me as much at first, but not I'm really disappointed I know about the Valley of the Jedi being in JK2. That would have been one HUGE suprise, now it's not going to be as exciting.:(


Anyone reading this, for future reference, if you have new info containing spoilers, please mark it in the title of your thread.


I don't mind knowing every little detail about the gameplay, but when you already know the story before you play, the game isnt half as fun.


Arrrggghhh! Why did I read it!??!?!?:mad:

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I think that the guy who originally posted about Dessan and the guy who accused him of lying are in it together. I think that it was just an elaborate plan by LEC to distract us from the game release so they can go bankrupt to torture us all by never releasing JKII. DID YOU HEAR THAT, JKII IS JUST A MYTH and the watching of these "supposed" trailers will make you go blind, no wait, thats the other thing. Anyway, yes its true, monkeys will someday rule the world, so dispose of any suspicions you had and go buy yourself a monkey. Maybe then they'll let you wash their little monkey overalls when the takeover begins.

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So only trust spammers that post every 5 minutes and cant find the edit post button? ...As if the ranks didnt encourage spamming enough... does high post count really mean anything though? I think not, even the newest of board members have higher post counts than i do, does this make them supperior? No.. everyone should just be equal right?...Just cause he didnt go on a post fest upon registering on this forum, doesnt mean he should be ignored... :rolleyes:

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Wow Tap you need to relax it was a joke. You've got a lot of hostility. Chant with me now...Auhmmmmmmmmmmm.


There used to be only 2 ranks(knight and apprentice) and mods were masters and council members. Basiclly spamming wore down after people became knights cause there was nowere else to go.


Besides people who only care about the ranks don't stick around long. From my experience the ranks don't matter at all. Meaning post count doesn't matter.:D



Oh, I forgot to add something about this topic: I can't think of anything now.

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I have absolutely no problem with spoilers of the storyline. All I care about is the gameplay and the ending although I think we all know how it may end after reading this. You see, the story can be great but the game can suck. Of course, I believe that the second statement will definately excel after I saw the trailer/screenshots. This has got to be a good game. Easy on Indy4 :D He's just giving some info. I remember that I did not know the rules of the forum when I first started out so that I accidentally created a spoiler thread. Well, you have to learn the lesson now;) and not do it again. Peace out.

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"According to the LucasArts press release, the Jedi Outcast story line begins several years after Katarn avenged his father and defended the Valley of the Jedi from Jerec and his group of Dark Jedi. LucasArts employee Haden Blackman recently stated that Jedi Oucast begins "several years after the battle of Yavin - 13 or 14 I believe."


directly off the site info. The battle of yavin is ANH. Which means this game is set aproximately 10 years after ROTJ. And its several years after the events of JK1.


The Thrawn trilogy was set 9 years after ANH. This game is 14 or so years after ANH. Thats a 5 year window for the events of MoTS and this game to take place during.


The Jedi academy books took place 11 years after ANH. They've already transpired. So this game is set in between the Thrawn trilogy and the Black Fleet Crisis. Mots is also set somewhere in that time frame.


As for Jerec, well as corny and poorly fmv'd as he was, he took place probably 3-4 years after ROJT. Probably during the Xwing series. Or the courtship of Princess so'n so. Ever wonder why all the books during that time period deal with silly stuff? Only one guy can save the galaxy at a time and that was kyle struttin his stuff then.


The gap between Dark Forces and JK was probably rather large or JK was closer to ROJT. Essentially those crappy books they wrote with lil kid drarwrings are void and novelty items now[JK novelizations]. But the games hold fine.


If you lookit the comic continuity you'll see a crapload of Jedi running around including the Emperor himself after he bit the dirt. In fact that old codger came back twice. So there were a lot of Jedi around, but Luke happened to be pivotal, thus Yogurts famous quote.



Blargh! Me want beer! raaaaaaar!






Continuity is saved by me happening to have lazily thrown a sw book with an updated timeline next to my laptop. Arentchu glad bothan spy? You know many bothans died for this info....

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Originally posted by Lucky

"According to the LucasArts press release, the Jedi Outcast story line begins several years after Katarn avenged his father and defended the Valley of the Jedi from Jerec and his group of Dark Jedi. LucasArts employee Haden Blackman recently stated that Jedi Oucast begins "several years after the battle of Yavin - 13 or 14 I believe."



Continuity is saved by me happening to have lazily thrown a sw book with an updated timeline next to my laptop. Arentchu glad bothan spy? You know many bothans died for this info....


Must admit I've been MUCH gladder. You think that "Heir to the Empire", "Dark Forces Rising" and "Last Command" happened AFTER the Jedi Academy Trilogy?? I think you should re-read them.

And Outcast is set 12 years after A.N.H

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Guest Apparition

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that Gamespot will be doing a bid preview sometime next week and will have a bunch of new information. Maybe that'll clear all of this stuff up.


(Plus, I think that the picture of Kyle facing off against himself isn't multiplayer. It's been stated several times that Kyle will struggle against the dark side again and I think that this is just like that. He's struggling with himself. Kind of like a Luke into the Dagobah tree thing. Just my opinion)

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