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will there be a demo?


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I haven't heard any official word, but do you think there will or won't be a demo, and would you rather have one if it means the game is delayed a bit?


I read in some interview that someone on the JKII team (whoever was doing the interview) said that the demo decision was entirely up to LucasArts, but that he hopes they don't do a demo so they can get the game out faster.





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It seems like kind of a no brainer marketing decision - you would want a demo to tempt people to play the full game. We'll have to see what happens though. I'll grant that marketing for a Star Wars product can be a little different than normal.

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Originally posted by Lightlance

Personally i hope there wont be a demo i think it would spoil the suprise. The game just wouldnt have the same impact if you`d already played on of the levels or missions. Just my opinion though and im sure alot of people will be gagging for a demo. :)


Yeah but what if the game totally sucks and it turns out it's a turn based Pokemon game? That's why you have a demo. In this case, the game is a given to be good but in other cases it could be horrible.

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I really don't care if there is a demo...I mean: the game is so advanced at this level that i would expect them to release just the full version on April, 2 (Probably) Than working on a demo, that would make things difficult to Raven's, you know, it takes time to work on a demo.

My advice: Be patient.

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they could make the demo, kinda like the turok 2 demo, where it gives some, but not all of the level, and 1 mp level. :) they'd prrrrrroooooobably be wiser to not release a demo at all, considering so many jedi knight fans there are, every1 will buy the game anyway, so why make them wait? (after all, there could be another game they want that'd come out and steal lec's $50)......

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