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Saber Damage


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In the SBX add on to jedi knight an ignited saber causes damage to everything, including walls, bad guys and even normal passers by if they happen to walk into it. I know the saber in Jedi Outcast scores walls but will it have the same effect on the innocent people populating the ganme world and if so, is this the reason you can carry the saber around un-ignited? what do you guys think? :)

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I dont think its just for the reason that the lightsaber is active in the environment. Its also for levels that require stealth and people who want to be stealthy in the game. You can switch of the lightsaber and sneak around, but if someone spots you it can be quickly reignited without the delay of getting it into your hand.

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Originally posted by Kettch

well, my question is when u swing the lightsaber does it do more damage than just holding it?


Of course. The lightsaber is a massless blade, and so will cut through things more easily with momentum behind it. It would damage anything it touches, but much more so if it's moving at speed!

For the most detailed and well thought out theories on lightsabers, go to:




Even though they spell lightsaber wrongly (in my opinion), it is the best reference guide I have seen.

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Yeah it's the best since it's about the only one out there... but not exactly a "great" or even"good" guide in it's own right. I'd much rather have my official sources. (like that Star Wars encyclopedia and SW: behind the magic and all that) And also the fact that it hasn't been updated since that guy saw the TPM trailer says alot.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Yeah it's the best since it's about the only one out there... but not exactly a "great" or even"good" guide in it's own right. I'd much rather have my official sources. (like that Star Wars encyclopedia and SW: behind the magic and all that)


Apparently there's a book been written about lightsabers, don't suppose anyone knows who wrote it??

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Originally posted by Lightlance

Didnt Jason Court write a book about lightsabers? :D :D :D



No, Jason Court is the fabulously talented actor who portrayed Kyle in JK!!

I've started a petition relating to him, if anyone's interested in having a look, it's all exlained on the site. Go to:


If George Lucas approves my ideas, it'll be great.


Everyone, please sign my petition!!

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Yeah it would be kindda late but it would be kindda coolm as well. We all know Jason Courts the Man! Has anyone ever seen him in the film "A night in the life of Jimmy Reardon" I sugest you all invest in a copy, Lets try and make the poor out of work Jason some rotaltys people. :D

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Well, perhaps there is still some hope...


Didn't Elite Force originally have another person do the voice acting for Seven-of-Nine, but then in a patch put in Jeri Ryan's?


(I hope the original stand-in wasn't too offended)


If we couldn't get Jason Court, then how about <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Romano,+Rino">Rino Romano</a>? (the guy who did the voice of Kyle in MotS)

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