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Damn Light-sabre, Force Powers,...


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Look if he doesn't like lightsabers he can go play another game. Lightsabers and force powers is what makes this game unique, and stand out from the rest of the pack. That's a fact that cannot be denied. Without those features, it would simply be another first person shooter.


First off the light-sabre. I HATE it with a capital H. Give me a standard blaster any time. Reminds me of the Indiana Jones trick (the bad guy with the sword?). Just shoot the bugger. Much more fun :-)


I'd like to see you try the indiana jones trick on a Jedi Knight. Slicing an opponent up with the coolest piece of technology conceived for the Star Wars universe is a heck of a lot more fun than shooting someone. Shooting people can be done in any other first person shooter, i prefer to kill in style.


Saying you like Star Wars stuff, then saying you hate the lightsaber is a huge contradiction. Star Wars and lightsabers go together like peas and carrots. You can't have one without the other. I mean whos ever had peas without carrots? It's just not right :)

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Really, your hatred of the inclusion of the lightsaber makes little sense. The lightsaber being in the game doesn't preclude you from using any of the other guns in the game, does it? No, it does not.


If you really hate lightsabers and forcepowers, use a soldier class and guns in the game. I'm fairly certain they'll include soldier classes. If that's the case, just think of lightsabers as an extra feature for folks that want it, and will make challenging enemies in the game, eh?

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Being able to use sabers and force is what separates JK&JK2 from other FPS/3d shooters - Live With it, or don't.


(no, I don't mean for you to kill yourself - just don't play the game if you are unhappy with Force and Sabers, because you will get even more frustrated when playing and you get gripped to death by a person behind you... Over and Over... and Over again :D)


Cheers ;)

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Originally posted by AB_Legion





(you will get even more frustrated when playing and you get gripped to death by a person behind you... Over and Over... and Over again


Ah personally I just hate grippers ^.^ They can't think of any other tactic to be able to hit their opponents. Shows of a lack of skill methinks. (but then again a rail detonator in their face usually fixes the problem of being gripped.. even if it is a bit kamikaze when the gripper is within a meter's range of you.

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I know why he doesn't like them!

The add BALANCE.

Starting everyone off with one of the most powerful weapons in totally against most FPS. And in JK it was just so funny to see a new player who reckoned they ruled because they had played quake etc- and had settled down in canyon oasis for a nice camp when someone leaps up pulls their weapon away and cutsthem down... They hate it and soon the words "Force powers are lame" get shouted at you. Some people believe force powers are for newbies who can't play properly???? :confused:Personally I can't wait for someone to take a shot at me with a blaster while I'm wielding the saber..

Begone and trouble us no more!

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you won't hear complaints among competitive gamers about force grip and pull being cheap... and blind is typically ineffectual against competitive gamers because we always keep force seeing on 100% of the time. The biggest problem among competitive gamers is the paranoia over hacks.. im not talknig about blatent hacks, that are pretty obvious when someone is shooting destructions out of a repeater or using a fade hack agaisnt you, but the toggle hacks that a person can turn on god mode on and off, have enlarged sabers(the longer additions are invisisbile and are small enough not to arouse too much suspcision), .5 force speed that gives the user additional speed and is silent force speed.... the list goes on..


the worse part is that everyone is suspscious of everyone cheating, but few actually do..

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OK OK, I Hate in the star wars world....


1) How slow lasers go, my god if the stu00pid stortroppers would only relize how big ass machine guns would work alot better than a crappy laser gun that shoots 4 mph lasers.


2) Queen Amadala, WHO THE HELL would wear clothes that would restrict movement when your life is in danger if it was me id rip all that heavy crap off, scream, and run for my god for saken life, or course if i was in the star wars universe id be a jedi and take some gungans apart...WOHHOOOOOO HEHEHEHE

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Go out and kill himself?! That's exactly what he's doing!:edeaths:


Man, no saber or Force? Are you on something? The saber is the most recognized weapon in the SW universe. Without it, the game would be something like, oh, I don't know, Alien X (BORING!).


Just suck it up, use it when you have to, and blow them to Hell and back!:D

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