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Worst feature of JKI that shouldn't be in JKII


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I was playing JKI recently and I thought about this one feature that seemed absolutely horrible to me. It was the repeated sounds of the Grans, Rodians, droids, Jeids, everything over and over again. It just gets VERY annoying after a while. It needed some variety. And the death screams. :rolleyes: All horrible!! JKII should improve on that. What do u think? Any other suggestions?

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The best way (i think) to do Force Grip would be to have the aggressor (gripper) not able to move or block while using Force Grip. If someone else comes along and attacks the gripper, they would have to stop using Grip to be able to block. It was pretty easy to Grip someone then run up and hit them with the lightsaber.


I'm sure whatever way they do Grip in JKII will be fine.

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Two words: Jump. Puzzles. :mad:


Seriously, you sometimes still run into people who'll mention that they couldn't finish the original game's SP because they actually suffered vertigo in places. Think what that would be like for them on the all-around-better graphics of JK2... :)

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All of this so true, but back when it was first released the sound was probably high quality.




The worst is when you fight Jerec *EYYAAGHHH EYAGGHH EYAGGHHH* I HATE HIM!


Personally I hated force seeing. It was so annoying and you could switch force powers like that on or off. Even if you just needed to use persuasion to get past one guard, you had to use it for about 5 minutes. Plus using up so much force power. Or if you had to use seeing for one room, you had to endure the sound for a along time.

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The saber fights in multiplayer- so much potential, but all we got was 'ok, hold shift run run run jump SWING face him repeat'. We looked like crazy 5 year olds. I know it might be hard to make, but I'm praying for a saber fight that captures the essence of the ones in the movies.


Hmm, first post and it's pretty negative... well I still think JK is teh best game ever and I'm getting JO the second it's released, so don't have the wrong idea about me :)

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No judgement will be passed...yet. :rolleyes:


Welcome to the forums Fett_72. Enjoy your stay.


I personally would like certain Force powers to be toggleable. Seeing, speed, persuasion, protection (if it's in. If possible I want in OUT. Stupid Force power in my opinion). I like it how the darkside powers drain your energy though. Lightning I know does this, I think grip probably will. I think that's cool because it shows the corruptive nature of the DS.:lightning

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The thing I didn't really like about JK was the Dark Jedi levels (as I said in another thread ;) ) . Not the duels, you understand...just the design of the levels, and the old cliche of being locked in a confined space with the bad guy (the so-called Bosses). That scenario has been around since the first FPS..and I'd like to see a more freeform approach, where you encounter the Boss in one part of a large level, and you have the option of leading them to a part of that level where you want to take them on.


Another more minor gripe are NPC clones (variety is the spice of life ;) ), and the fact that NPCs didn't really do much in JK or MotS except step in the line of fire... From everything I've read, this issue is being addressed more in JKII, but we'll have to wait and see.


The only other things I can think of at the moment are when you find health packs and other items in ludicrous places, but a lot of FPS games suffer from some bad or nonsensical item placement. :(


BTW, welcome to the forums, dansolo, Fett_72 and Krandell. Hope you all enjoy your stay. Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. There you go. ;) (If you don't like chocolate, have a Jedi Medallion Cookie instead. :D )

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Originally posted by StormHammer


The only other things I can think of at the moment are when you find health packs and other items in ludicrous places, but a lot of FPS games suffer from some bad or nonsensical item placement. :(

Well altough that didn't really bug me.. you're right there.. like in that one level in MotS where Mara gets imprisoned.. in found another cell that was full of health packs and batteries... realistic ^.^ So hai... item placement was rather silly and unrealistic at times. (same goes for ammo and weapons and healing stuff that can be found in abandoned alleyways/corners/rooftops etc.. but like I said.. didn't really bug me.. all the better for me ^.^ my odds of dying just decreased a bit thanks to those odd placed items)

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i think that this isnt entirely related, but rtcw had somewhat realistic weapon/powerup placements, even though they seemed that they gave you too much ammo and health (even on hardest difficulty), it seemed ok to me....jk2 will be a little different i think....i think that you should get levels where there arent any health or shields or anything....and you can just go through by the skin of your teeth (because after all, how often do you get shot and then consume some 'health' and are instantly healed?


even bacta takes a long time...one saber fight with vader, and luke was out for hours in a tank..there should be levels where you have to rely on not getting shot at all....that would be cool..

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Yeah, I tend to agree that RTCW did a mostly good job about item placement. The only gripe I had with it...as with most FPS games...is when you come up to a run-in with a key baddie...and suddenly there are health packs and ammo coming out of your ears. :rolleyes:


I find it unrealistic that a baddie would have all that ammo and health hanging around so you can defeat them. It may be necessary from the gamer's point of view...although I think it is more realistic if you are given more options for defeating the baddie - and possibly more cover or bolt-holes when under attack. Another reason for not having confined Boss levels...so you can run to another part of the larger level where you left some health packs or something before because you didn't need them.


As for Bacta...it's be a nice touch if you actually had to crawl inside a bacta tank for a gradual healing on a couple of levels...especially if you just got through a level by the skin of your teeth. :)

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dentists don't hand out chocolate medallions, they hand out toothbrushes. Anyway, I really hated the NPC's not talking to each other/interacting with me. At one level in Naar Shada, a woman shouts "Look out!" refering to the rodian behind her, that was the closest thing I saw to NPC interaction in JK. JK2 promises that NPC's will behave more realistical, I can only hope.

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Originally posted by Fett_72

The saber fights in multiplayer- so much potential, but all we got was 'ok, hold shift run run run jump SWING face him repeat'. We looked like crazy 5 year olds. I know it might be hard to make, but I'm praying for a saber fight that captures the essence of the ones in the movies.


dude... LOL :D .... no wonder you didn't like those MP saberfights,

cuz that's not how they work at all. lol.



oh err. I didn't like the unbalanced weaponry in MP. everything was useless, except the conc or the rail det.

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I find it unrealistic that a baddie would have all that ammo and health hanging around so you can defeat them. It may be necessary from the gamer's point of view...although I think it is more realistic if you are given more options for defeating the baddie - and possibly more cover or bolt-holes when under attack. Another reason for not having confined Boss levels...so you can run to another part of the larger level where you left some health packs or something before because you didn't need them.

I think Marine part of Aliens versus Predator 2 gave the best reason for those guns and ammo being in there, when you had to go againts Alien Queen: she had just killed those other marines who went down into the hive and so you picked up their guns, because you only had Beretta left if I remember correctly. True, it was also a confined level, but after you defeated the Queen and remaining marines blew up the hole to the wall, you had to escape avoiding her drones all the way up to the edge of hill where landing crafts picked you up(but not before you killed enough upcoming aliens and it shot the rockets). One of the best Boss levels I have ever seen. ;)

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