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Two Suggestions for the Devs

General Nilaar

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We're most likely too far into development of the game to ask for any major changes but here's two suggestions anyway:


First, is there any chance we could get the Space Platform levels changed into a Cloud City type level? Huge space platforms with infantry and tank battles just don't make any sense at all. You could get the same effect with a Bespin terrain and it would not only make sense, but the levels would actually look cooler with clouds surrounding the platforms rather than just plain space.


Second, I'm hoping not to find too many non-base building missions in the single-player game. With some games, C&C: Tiberium Sun for instance, it seems every other mission you're stuck with just a couple of units on a heavily scripted mission. I don't buy RTS games to do that, I buy RTS games to build bases, gather resources, put together an army, and use some strategy. Not just guess how the developers wanted me to finish the mission. Such heavily scripted missions are obviously there because the developers wanted to hide a poor AI:eek:


Not that I mind the occasional small force mission, but any more than one such mission for each civ and it would become not a novelty, but a chore. Leaving me to wonder: When is the real game going to start?


I'm not even sure if the Devs read this forum but I had to at least try:cool:

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Guest Master Yoda

I completely agree with you. I hated having to play those missons in Age of Empires!! If they put a buch of those missions in GBG I'm going to be disapointed.:mad:

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I agree also. Not into games with scripted missions. I prefer The open ended/skirmish mode, we're you build, grow and battle. If don't buy those type of games, no replay value.

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Scripted missions with a few units tend to be frustrating and in general not fair (lose one unit and you're dead, etc.).

I would imagine that the scripted missions in the campaigns of GB focus on the heroes and protecting them..


But you're right. I much prefer dishing out a massive army. It simply is the feeling of being in control..


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Guest Admiral Thrawn

True, but the missions is why most people play online with AoC.

Also did they use the engine for AoE, or AoK? Cause if they used AoE, the path finding will be horrible. Imagine fighting with AT AT's that keep trying to go the long way around and attack.

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They used, and improved the engine of AoK : TC.


And about those mission ... I like em. It's good for the story telling. You begin with a single hero and end with massive wars.


I like to play regular things also ... but the AoK engine gives a lot of options for that (Deathmatch, random map, regicide, wonder race, king of the hill, ... and others)


single player is more for the stories ...

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Guest Tie Guy

A good alternative would to have a base building missions, but you had to destroy certain targets, and complete certain objectives, not just destroy the enemy.

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Guest Admiral Thrawn
Originally posted by Tie Guy

A good alternative would to have a base building missions, but you had to destroy certain targets, and complete certain objectives, not just destroy the enemy.



Yes, thats a good idea. I hope they do that and not mess around making dumb stories with pitiiful attempts at reacting the movie.


Maybe when they do Hoth, they can Make it a BnD, where you have to build up an army that has to hold off the Empire for a certain amount of time till the transports come.

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Guest Master Yoda

I like the idea of building a base and having to destroy certain things. I could put up with one mission per campaign where you couldnt build a base but NO MORE THAN THAT!!!

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Guest ZeroXcape
Originally posted by General Nilaar

We're most likely too far into development of the game to ask for any major changes but here's two suggestions anyway:


First, is there any chance we could get the Space Platform levels changed into a Cloud City type level? Huge space platforms with infantry and tank battles just don't make any sense at all. You could get the same effect with a Bespin terrain and it would not only make sense, but the levels would actually look cooler with clouds surrounding the platforms rather than just plain space.



That's what I was really hoping for... Space platforms don't do it for me...

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Guest Admiral Odin

Scripted missions generally don't bother me as the offer a challange. I don't want many but a few doesn't hurt. I would like a variety. Some small cammando force, other build up army destroy, some capture this. Hold off enemies for so long until reinforcments arrive.

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Guest Imperial Jawa

that level that looks lke just plain buildings is bespin i beleive.


at first i thought it was coruscant, but than while watching some rogue leader movies over at ign, i realized that the 'coruscant' level and the cloud citty they have look EXACTLY the same.

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