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Looks like Tuesday it is =(

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Jinn and I called up the stores by us and found out that the shipping was delayed one day and since Monday is a holiday, most stores wont have the game until Tuesday. Sigh.. have to wait yet another 2 days.

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Guest Master Yoda

I have to wait till christmas!! I spent all my money on a GameCube package and now have no money for GBG!! I guess once I the Cube I wont even think about GBG but still it would have been nice to play the full version, Ive been dying to play a deathmatch as the Wookies against my brother.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

I've got $302.74 in the bank and $11.88 in my wallet. And alot of pennies in a clear plastic box.


Someone is paying my way to camp!!!!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!


I'm also going to wait until after my birthday to see if someone doesn't get my Galactic Battlegrounds. That's my strategy anyways. And for the gamecube, I might not bother. Instead I might upgrade my computer.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I think an appology is in order on my part. I did not mean to deter any of you from thinking you had absolutely zero chance of getting it tomorrow. I should have been more specific in my post. I said for the stores in my area that was the case. I failed to mention that may not be so in your areas. Please accept my appology for misleading information.

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Thanks for your vote of confidence. With my luck probably not till Tuesday. I hope.




By the way I downloaded the recorded game form your site. Put it in the saved games directory fired it up and it crashes. It's the only on that I have that does. What could be the problem?

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Guest Lord Tirion

I am not sure. This is the first time I heard of that happenening.

=( This happened when you went to view it after you opened up the game, hit the saved game mode and viewd it?

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