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Ghost Recon....


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The Graphics are improved on slightly to moderately from Rogue Spear, but here's the real selling point: The planning stages have been streamlined and minimized to allow for quicker and easier gameplay. If you've played Rogue Spear, you know how much time went into planning a mission, but with Ghost Recon, it's been basically streamlined into a straight shoot 'em up game with minimal strategic planning. I think it Rocks!!! and is a must Buy!!!! :D

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Don't get me wrong, I loved Rogue Spear. And I even loved the aspect of planning a mission, but sometimes you just want to start up a mission and go for the bodycount, ya know. With Rogue Spear it meant going on a suicide mission, because you didn't take the time to plan every step out. Now, if you just want to go, it only takes a minute and your on your way. I love it both ways, just depends on my mood :D

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