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Would you like JKII to have some RPG elements?


Would you like JKII to have some RPG elements?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like JKII to have some RPG elements?

    • Absolutely! I crave RPGs!
    • Yeah...mabey. I guess it won't hurt.
    • I'm not sure about it.
    • No! Absolutely not! No JKII RPG!

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I was wondering how JKII would be like if it had some RPG elements. Like a stronger NPCs role. That would make the game a lot more interesting instead of run and kill.......run and kill.......run and kill.......run and kill.......run and kill.......:rolleyes:

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It really depends on the implementation ... I don't want it to degenerate into choosing your 'team', but having missions with purpose seems cool. Agree ... more than just kill, kill,kill (like SoF which I just finished) - but it really seems that it will be pretty good in that regard.



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I think it would be really cool if you leveled like in any other RPG game and then you could improve certain stats or force powers. I don't think a full barrage of stats is neccisary but maybe speed, agility and force pool would be cool. Along with the ability to increase your force powers along the way. (Kind of like in Deus Ex)

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Well, some of the RPG element won't make any sense, I mean, for instance, you can't get a better "sword", a light saber is a light saber is a light saber. You can't upgrade your armor, because, well, it just doesn't fit. Adjusting strength or agility and stuff seems a little out of place, but shouldn't be totally weird, and neither is assigning force powers, which we've seen worked on JK1. Unfortunately, Raven has given up the force assignment and alignment to control the level, so they can design specific obstacle that require special forces to solve. And I don't think it's a bad idea, the level design will undoubtedly be more interesting this way, and you'll be guarantee to use your force powers instead of just shooting your entire way through without ever needing force jump.


But I think some other elements of an RPG can be worked in, like an inventory, where you can collect certain items, that later on either you'll need to solve certain puzzles or can be used to assemble things... (like collecting parts to build an BFG10k) or something like that. I think an inventory pouch other than carrying bacta and guns would be a neat idea.


Other attributes like reputation would also be neat. I am not sure I like the leveling up from experience bit, but some of that will be in it, as you gradually get more powerful with the force, it's just that it's not dictated by how many enemies you kill.


Other RPG features like shops, or Inns, those are pretty lame, and you can probably do without. Although it would be kinda cool to be able to go to a market place full of people, buy some ammo or weapons, and then having stormtroopers arriving to arrest you, forcing you to engage in an intense firefight in the middle of a crowded market full of innocent people.


But overall, I don't think the game should necessarily shun RPG elements. I think having some of those RPG element will really enhance the game, engross you into the environment, instead of just fighting level after level with the end boss as your only objective.

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You are roleplaying a character... Kyle...


Some RPG elements won't fit. Maybe in a mod perhaps, there will be a Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast: RPG but I think the original game should stick to the action, what Star wars was really about in the first place, including the saving the princess and the galaxy from evil and destruction. I'll admit, when i heard of the Star Wars Pen and paper RPG I nearly flipped. After playing it a little, I decided it really wasn't for me (might have been the Storyteller though).


JKII Will have some RPG elements to it. As you progress, you grow stronger, spiritually and technically (more force powers, more guns, more saber techniques and stances), but these are pretty farfetched from putting points into strength or dexterity.

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Aren't idea of AI buddies(Jan, Luke, Lando, etc.) helping you along the way in itself something straight out from RPG? Okey, you can't exactly control them, but if they are done well enough, they'll add something to JK2 that was totally forgotten in its predecessors; a helpful aid that doesn't only leave you somewhere and then pick you up later, but instead also backs you up through most of the level. That way you don't feel yourself as being lone "gunslinger" all the time(an image that pure FPS games have always strengthen), and having few friendly NPCs here and there to add more interaction really diversifies the gameplay. Once again something borrowed(but with a good reason) from RGP/Adventure games, so what else you would still like to see included(keeping in mind the fact that we can't choose our Force powers or side this time)?

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I agree on all of the store, weapon and armor stuff. I wasn't saying I wanted to make JKII into Diablo but I think it would be cool to be able to increase the amount of force you have, or speed/agility. (To improve your sabre ability) It wouldn't even have to be through the number of enemies you kill, but maybe you'd visit the Jedi Temple and go through some training that would give you a certain number of points to disperse through several categories. One of my main fears about this game is that it's just going to be QuakeIII with a light sabre. It doesn't look like it's turning out that way and if it can maintain the FPS feel while adding an excellent story/npc's/creative elements (I'll once again site Deus Ex as an example. Thief II was an amazing game too) I'll be an extremely happy noodle.

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It would be nice but RPG elements might make an action game like this too slow paced. The only elements I see suitable would be like those found in Zelda...but I think those elements are not really like HP or MP but more like an increase in the player's skills.

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JO's SP would greatly benefit from adventure game elements, such as item-oriented puzzle solving and lots and lots of NPC interaction, including conversation. But role-playing game elements such as buying and trading, item upgrading, experience points etc. would defeat the purpose of the game: fast-paced action adventure set in the equally fast-paced Star Wars universe.


I thought of this little bit after I voted for choice no. 1 :o

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Originally posted by Fardreamer

JO's SP would greatly benefit from adventure game elements, such as item-oriented puzzle solving and lots and lots of NPC interaction, including conversation. But role-playing game elements such as buying and trading, item upgrading, experience points etc. would defeat the purpose of the game: fast-paced action adventure set in the equally fast-paced Star Wars universe.


I thought of this little bit after I voted for choice no. 1 :o


I dont want another key hunt DOOM please :)


Not saying it should be totally original, but dont do it on every level, else it gets boring.


I need to stop posting on here and get to work, Heh :)

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Some RPG elements (like NPC interaction, force power development) definately wouldn't hurt, but they are in the game already in some extent. And besides, Half-Life didn't have any RPG elements, it had a linear storyline and it still was an excellent game, one of the best made.

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When you think about it, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series has included much more RGP/Adventure elements than other FPS games published at the time, so we aren't exactly talking about traditional action game here. In DF puzzles were important part of the game, even more than I remember them being in other FPS games of those days(Doom 1-2, Duke Nukem 3D), JK then again introduced a lightsaber(before "true" slashers like DBTS, Rune or Severance: Blade of Darkness appeared) and a possibility to choose upgradable Force powers and ultimately your side while MotS added few new powers and surveillance cameras & controllable turrets/cannons and now JK2 enhances the gameplay with three different fighting stances and AI buddies/friendly NPCs. All in all, it takes best aspects of its predecessors multiplaying them and useful parts from other games making it a lot more story driven and realistic action game with little additions like scripted events, mission objectives that change based on situation and both pre-rendered and in-game cutscenes. Now, if you still would like to have more freedom of choice in multiplayer, for example, maybe Raven could include a possibility to choose between different lightsaber handles or divide it in three parts(top, middle and bottom) and let you "make" your own one(like Agen_Terminator suggested in here). Beíng adventure gamer(at least I used to be before whole genre "died") I also agree with Fardreamer that some item-oriented puzzles wouldn't hurt gameplay too much, but instead visited locations would appear to be more complex and intriguing. I rest my case. ;)

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