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Wheres that Jediknightii.net clan?


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well.. If you're ±19yrs old, female, blonde, hot, big "eyes" and have a couple of goodlooking friends/sisters, then you can join VDS!! :D


If you also have a lot PHP skills to make us a better website and lots of money to host our own dedicated server, then I promise you that you won't have to go through our tryouts! :cool::p;)

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Zodiac, my mom wouldn't be proud of me looking at your page :) You don't even want to know what my best skill is... :p


mmmm....Lima beans


Anyways, wait for the game for our clan to start up...you'll be hearing plenty about it I'm sure.



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Originally posted by Desslock

Increase the speed in which the menus popup Zodiac and it'll look good.


get a faster PC. The action script for the moving stars takes a lot of cpu and graphical power, thus making the animations move slow on slow pcs. The animated pop-up-speed for the menus is fast enough if u have a pc that can handle it. :)

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