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Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

I think it sucks that they are only adding 2 new civs when all they'll be is just trade fed and empire with different colors! Why not some more alien civs like Genonsians, trandoshans or Mon cal? Seems like Lucasarts is taking the easy way with the expansion pak is only looking to cash in on the movie release is all. I dont think they have the players in mind at all and are prolly just gonna toss in some new maps and campaigns with maybe a molten lava looking red planet tileset and 2 clone civs and rake in the profits. There IS still indeed a lot of work that needs to be done and problems that need to be addressed with this game and if they say its gonna be out in may i dont feel like that is adequate time to get a good expansion pak that will truely enhance the game! Where's the moving line on shields? Are the still gonna leave this game with just 2 stealth units? Do they plan to touch up the animations and graphics? Are they gonna attempt to fix aircraft? Something tells me they arent trying here and by only adding 2 clone civs im sure of it and i think its lame!:mob:

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Guest PhantomMenace

Why are you gonna suggets i get banned for this comment when other people been doing nothing but saying they game sucks and is dated since the boards came up? They still saying the graphics sucks and nobody is saying ban to them but i do it and you try saying i get banned? Here's what you shoud do Shampoo..Naboo...Natopo...take your post and ___________!

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Guest PhantomMenace

There will be no flame war between me and you no matter how hard you beg because i simply am not a flamer!!:eek::D:p:D:)

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Guest PhantomMenace

Woooo...your'e gonna go tell daddy mod on me..ooh im so scared!:rolleyes: You obviosly missed the joke in my last post! Go ask some of your boyfriends what a flamer is then read that post again and you'll see what im talking bout ;) The point is that this xpack is obvisouly gonna be a rushed product. A blind man can see this coming a mile away. The moving power core idea seems to me to only possibly support the old fortress rush so you can up and move and drop a power core right beside your extended fortress so you can get a sheild up and make fortress rushes even s****ier than they already are. But on a whole an airbore trubechete isnt that groundbreaking so this xpack really will offer very little depth unlike expansion packs for other games! Look at teh brood war expansion pak... finally everybody got a anti-air air unit and the addition of meidcs and lurkers was friggin cool!!! Plus they tossed in some new maps; campaings and gave a us a sneak peak at what we can expect with Star Craft 2 when tassadar (i think that was his name) infitrated that base and saw those zerg/protoss/human hybrid things behind glass; now that's an expansion pack. Lots of depth there. An advanced trade fed and a golden age galactic empire civ wont exactly a breathe of fresh air! When i first got some details on this xpack my immediate reaction was this was gonna be a boring rehash and so far i have seen no evidence otherwise!;):cool:

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Guest PhantomMenace

Woooo...your'e gonna go tell daddy mod on me..ooh im so scared!:rolleyes: You obviosly missed the joke in my last post! Go ask some of your boyfriends what a flamer is then read that post again and you'll see what im talking bout ;) The point is that this xpack is obvisouly gonna be a rushed product. A blind man can see this coming a mile away. The moving power core idea seems to me to only possibly support the old fortress rush so you can up and move and drop a power core right beside your extended fortress so you can get a sheild up and make fortress rushes even s****ier than they already are. But on a whole an airbore trubechete isnt that groundbreaking so this xpack really will offer very little depth unlike expansion packs for other games! Look at teh brood war expansion pak... finally everybody got a anti-air air unit and the addition of meidcs and lurkers was friggin cool!!! Plus they tossed in some new maps; campaings and gave a us a sneak peak at what we can expect with Star Craft 2 when tassadar (i think that was his name) infitrated that base and saw those zerg/protoss/human hybrid things behind glass; now that's an expansion pack. Lots of depth there. An advanced trade fed and a golden age galactic empire civ wont exactly a breathe of fresh air! When i first got some details on this xpack my immediate reaction was this was gonna be a boring rehash and so far i have seen no evidence otherwise!;):cool:

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oh boy. Look, this is to be a happy community. HAVEN'T YOU READ THE POST ON THE THE GOLDEN RULES? it says that there is to be no flaming. please stop this verbal war with you two. if you're going to argue, PM eachother. keep this up and you both will be banned.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ok guys, this is getting silly.


Im closing this topic and please, in future keep spamming limited. There's alot of topics around all about the X-Pack, please keep them here.



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