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Who will be modding??


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Could people who will be modding post in this thread saying that you will be....and if you have an idea could you tell us what projects you will be working on.....Thanks. I just want an idea on the size of the modding community and what kind of mods there will be. Everyone is interested :D

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Guest Jolts

I will be making some models for jk2, one or two at least. I just have to play with ghoul2 system sounds like too much fun.

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I was thinking of looking into a Tournament system for multiplayer, but that would be AFTER the MP source code was released.


I'll likely ALSO be porting over a program I'm making for Elite Force... but we'll have to see.

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I hope to create a mod that enables you to cut people in half :D

Driveable veichles while some people believe they will be ingame- I have my doubts so I will probably create a team to mod a few simple veichles in and then begin to expand. Hope fully the first mod will be an AT-ST and prehaps a speeder bike (Using models included in game) then more complex things like X-wings and stuff and then newmodels for A T-AT and such.


Lonepadawan( the one with a stickyspace bar)

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I'll be mapping a single player chapter for WiredLampstudios and will probably be modelling the basic mapobjects. We are currently looking for 1 more modeller and a skinner, and our team will be complete. Only serious applications though. With examples of your previous work. All the people in our team our highly skilled in what they are doing.

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Levels, skins, models for SP. (Once I've got to grips with all the relevant tools!)


I have in mind to do a lot more (like new weapons etc) for SP but that all depends on whether there's going to be a code SDK for single player.


TheSnerd - you're doing a co-op version of EF - are you changing the MP game or the SP game for that?

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I'll mostly be doing mapping. Some SP, some MP, whatever tickles my facncy. :) Considering the length of time it takes to finish a good SP level, probably more of the MP.


I have a couple ideas for mods, but I don't think I have the time nor skills in all areas of editing to do them.

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