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Hi again


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I haven't been posting lately. Here's why: I have been reading those Yuuzhan Vong books. And I must say that they would be a cool faction in GB, but a little too cheap. There thats my opinion seeing how new factions are all you people talk about...

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Guest Tie Guy

Welcome back,


Have you been reading those all day everyday with no time at all to do anything else? :D


Anyway, did you finish them all, there are quite a few.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Welcome back,


Have you been reading those all day everyday with no time at all to do anything else? :D


Anyway, did you finish them all, there are quite a few.

He probably did Tie, most people can read faster then you! ;) But not type as fast! :)

Anyway Clefo, did you think that the NJO books "feel" like SW? They're a good read and all but they lack in the SW department.

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Guest Tie Guy

Hey Kvan, i only read at night right before i go to bed.


Anyway, you think that all that stuff about them not "feeling" is bogus, right? They have the same universe, the same character, and the same starships, so why wouldn't they be star wars?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hey Kvan, i only read at night right before i go to bed.


Anyway, you think that all that stuff about them not "feeling" is bogus, right? They have the same universe, the same character, and the same starships, so why wouldn't they be star wars?

It's a feeling Tie. It's hard to describe. I know this seems stupid but thats the only way to describe it. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? I don't want to seem like I'm completely crazy here :D

BTW Tie do read at night so you can dream about SW ;)

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Guest Tie Guy

No, i read at night coz it helps me get to sleep, and i just can't find other time to do it. Plus, i like to stretch out the books as long as i can, while still reading for a while every night.

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Yeah I've been doing nothing but reading. The books are good, but they killed him! (You know who I am talking about) How could they?


But the Vong could have those Coralskippers and as a superweapon they could use that genetic plague thingy.

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