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Countering force powers? How?


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They say that force push counters pull and grip, as well as pushing away locked-on homing rockets. But they don't say HOW this works, and I don't think anyone has asked/answered this yet. Am I just dumb or are there others who can't understand how this would work?


I'm envisioning force push working the same way as in JK/MotS (whatever push was in...), where you hold the button, it selects a target with those weird circles, and then you let go and they push. Now, considering that, how would you react quickly enough to a force pull? That always was an immediate thing where as soon as the pulling player let go of their button, the weapon was out of your hands.


The only way i can see this working is as a half active, half passive force power, meaning that it's active when you want to push people (hit a button), but it's passive otherwise and will activate itself if necessary (like if someone tries to steal your weapon). Anyone got any other ideas?



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I think i stopped playing JK before that came out :( Hm, well I guess that'd work. But i still don't see how you would anticipate a force pull and have enough time to hit your force push key...


Now that i think of it, wouldn't pushing when they pull HELP them? lol...hmm. oh well, i should probly stop thinking so deep into it ;)



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Well, what about force speed and or jump. Are there gonna be all the whiners and geeks out there complaining about certain powers that they can't defend against because they want to be able to shoot everything with the biggest gun in the game?


There always seems to be someone whining about some game function that they suck at defeating because they won't learn the way to play the game properly like with the infiltrator in Elite Force.


Since it's Raven, I know they will have features that can counter other features. It will just be a matter of learning the strategy and tactics of the game and not hiding behind a suposedly super weapon. I just hope we can avoid all the whiners and big gun totin' morons. :slsaber:

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Well, one counter situation possible is when a person with Force Grip chokes a Jedi. If the Jedi has Force Push level 3, they could just push the Dark Jedi into something that would hurt them and thus release the Jedi from the Griphold. After all, it does say level 3 does have enough power to do damage. And also the grip might work the same way it did in JK, the Dark Jedi might have to see who he is choking the whole time and if he doesn't, the choking stops.

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