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Slow business eh?


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Has anyone else but me noticed that no one comes to Escapemi anymore? Of course not because your all gone! The same thing happened to another forum I was on and it shutdown.

If EscapeMI ever shutsdown I will be emotionally shattered.:(

I hope that this stops and all my friends come back. My friends Natty, Fender, Niko, Guybrush122 and more. I get lonely here. I sit here for hours (literaly) waiting for people to come. What do you say?


If EscapeMI ever shutsdown, we must all agree on a backup forum. Now, I'm not saying it has to be my forum, I just don't want to part with my friends. Lets all vote on a backup forum, k?

Man this is making me sad just thinking about it....

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Hey, I wonder how my forum IS doing...Oh! Yoha joined yesterday. *Yay!* What about that Legend of Monkey Island forum? Or World of Monkey Island? But If you do want my forum as the back up, it will be ok, since it is new. And NO! This thread was NOT started just to advertise my forum! I'm serious.


http://www.worldofmi.com - World of Monkey Island

http://www.milegend.com - Legend of Monkey Island

http://monkey.rules.it - Monkey Mountain Forums (Mine)

http://www.mixnmojo.com - This is a good choice unless all of lucas forums shutdown.

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I'm not sure if I even have a news posting account any more. I know I've been too busy to work on EscapeMI or LucasConsoles just lately, but I would like to make some changes. For instance, here are some headers I made for the EscapeMI forums (by request of ZeroXcape), that haven't been used yet, I think they'd liven up the look of the forums, at least:






The big brown bits are where the top banner would go

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