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First Offical Patch?...extras


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Like so many games the developer will come out with a "Offical Patch" to fix any loose end ,bugs..and so on.I hope they take the opportunity to add extra maps and skins.Knowing most if not all skins for MP will be from the SP mode, I hope as a wish list they can add for MP Skins


1 Mandalorian

2 Yoda

3 Grand Moff Tarkin


What would your wish list be....:fett::D

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

Patchs don't release extra stuff like that. But if they did it would be awfull nice of them.




This isn't your run of the mill game either.. Theres a possibility. True patches are usually referenced to updates that fix things, and adding new content usually is called a 'Content pack' or something like that.


Raven, take notes. It would help your community base extremely if you released a content pack, say every 2 months or so, that included 2 or 3 new skins, and a new MP level. Players like nothing better than a company that continues to build on its own game.

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Originally posted by Desslock


Raven, take notes. It would help your community base extremely if you released a content pack, say every 2 months or so, that included 2 or 3 new skins, and a new MP level. Players like nothing better than a company that continues to build on its own game.


I think Raven are pretty good in that respect anyway. Look at SOF. They added loads of free stuff through patches after its release, including bots, new MP maps etc. That said, if they do decide to add to JO after its release, I hope they don't go down the expansion pack road and force us to fork out more money to get extra maps etc. like they did with EF.

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That said, if they do decide to add to JO after its release, I hope they don't go down the expansion pack road and force us to fork out more money to get extra maps etc. like they did with EF.


Personally, I don't care if I have to pay, as long as it's good.:)

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Originally posted by Gabrobot


It seems to me that in a Rouge squadron patch, they added a Naboo starfighter.


Actually I think the patch activated the naboo starfighter which was already on the game CD


However I hope Raven releases some free downloadable goodies

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

Patchs don't release extra stuff like that. But if they did it would be awfull nice of them.




I have one example for you... Blizzard. Most of the games that have been released by them have been patched quite often, and pretty much every patch brings new features or adds or changes something, not just fixing bugs. So nyah:p

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Yes, look at Diablo II, it update very often, and change a lot of things. After two years release, many people still play it.


Actually, I think Raven should release a editer. They don't need to build a new skin themself....but we can do the job, only they can support us with a editor of else...

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Remember that the Half-Life patches contained new maps, models, games (Team Fortress Classic)... though no other developers have supported their game like Valve have. Perhaps we can expect a few new additions to the game. It all depends on Raven and how much time and resources they have to commit to that sort of work. But remember, JKII will be highly editable. So the community itself can make any sort of additions they like.

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Patches don't have to add new game content, but often they will (usually features that were planned, but they didn't have time to finish before the deadline, etc).


Take for example Outlaws... they added a free SP mission pack, Multiplayer, and 3d support (even the recent update for Win2k/Dx8/D3D).


XvT had 3D accelerator support added to it...


And yes, those other examples like Rogue Squadron.


The Quake games are infamous for adding more stuff in the patches too, *cough*cough*


Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the stuff that Raven left on the cutting room floor added as bonus features in a patch, etc. They don't have to change any of the core game elements, but adding stuff as options is always nice. Once the initial pressure of getting the game out on time is past of course...

; )

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It would be nice if they released new multiplayer maps etc... but we'll have to play the game first to see what, if anything, its lacking. As for the best patches for games, codemasters have been fantastic with the patches for operation flashpoint and have released numerous new vehicles, mp and sp maps.

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Originally posted by Major Clod

though no other developers have supported their game like Valve have.

It actually appears the Westwood will be supporting their new game Renegade even more than Valve supported (and still supports) half-life. A few weeks ago they held a convention over a weekend and invited a lot of the best modding teams around to come and look at the modding tools and capabilities of the new engine. They have also stated that they WILL be including flying vehicles in a couple of maps that they add in a patch down the road.


On a related note, I love Valve. The amount of support that they have provided Half-Life proved to the gaming industry how mods can be a powerful marketing tool rather just something that some kids do in their spare time. I remember reading something that stated that Obi-Wan would not be able to be modded. What a mistake that would have been...

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Haven't there been a couple of "official" map packs for Galactic Battlegrounds? Or did I just see that they compiled a whole load of fan created scenarios and bundled them onto the cover discs of PC Gamer?


From the chat last week, doesn't sound like Raven will have a lot of chance to do much in the way of additional material. But if they could, what would I like to have?




Mark Hamill doing the voice of Luke Skywalker!


Hey - they got Jeri Ryan to do it for EF!

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