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Your thoughts on bots.


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I recenently had my first experience with bots when I d/l the EF Holomatch demo. They weren't preditable at least, but one problem I had was that they weren't there when you needed them. Hopefully the bots would be better in JK2.

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General AI is predictable... The average home user really doesn't have the processing power of an IBM Super computer to generate 'real' artificial intelligence.


I find them good for improving game motor skills such as aiming, learning the maps, right weapon for right situation, and fine tuning my mouse sensitivity and getting used to it.


Bots dont make mistakes like humans do. Thats why they are so incredibly harder than most players. Anyone could beat Q3 bots on super hard if they 'practiced' enough... subconciously learning how the bot acts on a particular map. Human vs. Human eventually comes down to physical limitations such as whos faster at processing information through your eyes, and who can make better flick shots are a couple of examples.

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I thought that was one of the best features of Unreal Tournament. Its a great way to really give unlimited gameplay if you have enough skill levels, since not everyone has broadband(or dependable broadband :mad: ) as it goes

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My opinion of bots varies on the game I'm playing.


Quake 3 bots were fairly predictable and on anything less than Nightmare could be taking out fairly easily.


Perfect Dark on the N64 has some of the best bots I've ever seen. Not only did they have the typical. Meat, easy, normal, hard and perfect bots that reflect difficulty levels, they had the Dark bot which was the developers bot, that basically cheated to ensure that nobody was ever as good as the bots. (Respawned with double automatic weapons etc.) added to that they included bots with personalities.


Coward Bot - When it has a weaker weapon it runs.

Venge Bot - Will head in the direction of the last person that killed it.

Kamikaze Bot - Doesn't care about weapons. Just goes for kills.

Fast Bot - Quicker moving, weaker shielded.

Slow Bot - Opposite of fast.

Feud Bot - Feuds with one opponent often.



Although the bots would kill anyone who opposed them, they had characteristics as well. They worked pretty well too.


It would be nice if JKII:JO had the same touch. Makes bots that bit more unpredictable and exciting.

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I'm glad that bots will be supported in JKII. My net connection isn't the best in the world, so I often rely on bot matches to play any of the MP maps in games. I hope the bots have a range of difficulty settings, as I stated previously. I don't really expect them to be as good as the bots in UT, though that would be sweet. :)


EF holomatches can be pretty good..and with all the stuff they've been doing for JKII...I think I'll be happy with the bot matches.


Just hope I get a good chance to play online as well...

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as long as it takes a fair few months to learn their ways im OK with bots. (i have to be a 56k dial up sux :()

so bots arent a problem, well they're not until u learn how to predict them then its just boring

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Human vs. Human eventually comes down to physical limitations such as whos faster at processing information through your eyes, and who can make better flick shots are a couple of examples.


AND whose connection is better. :D






bots will also be cool if you want to fight a certain person (i.e. Darth Vader) at a certain place [i.e. Carbon Chamber(if its one of the levels or someone else creates it)]

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

I've never played against bots except for in Quake 3 Arena, and I find them to be too predictable, what are your thoughts on bot AI?


R U saying that you can beat the bots on the highest level consistently in Quake 3? Have you played Unreal Tournament with bots? I prefer the bots in UT the best, but since there have been some developments in technology, then I'm betting that you won't be disappointed in JKO!!

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