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DOS Commands


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Hello all!


Quick question.


My second HD messed up a bit and windows XP says it needs formatting - which it doesn't. In DOS, I can access it (hmmm).

I wan't to use xcopy to copy accross a directory named mymusi~1 from d: to c: and hence save my music files.


Thing is I can't get the right command:


xcopy d:\mumusi~1 c: /s


is this in any way right.


Help is appreciated.


P.S. I know this is a star wars forum but I gathered you lot are reasonably friendly people and so may help! Thanks

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If you wanted to transfer a file from D to C drive, it would be:



d:\ copy mymusi~1



Make sure that you include whatever its a .exe, .bat., .txt or whatever it is at the end of mymusi~1 c:



I been with DOS for like 10 years now. It's like my best friend.

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JRZ - Thx for the advice but I'm trying to copy the whole directory mymusi~1 hence the need for the use of the xcopy command rather than just copy. I try to only use DOS for what I really have to - picking stuff up when I need it and I can usually remember everything I learn myself (aka the best way of learning).


PS. Zarg - I didn't think anyone would notice me mate! I go way back before this user name but I reckon my old name got deleted in the move. Anyways, I have been lurking for a bit (still waiting for those hooker legs to come through :D)

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

thorpie, your original command looks good to me. JR's actually looks like crap.



Look whos talking. I've been around and know more dos and windows 3.1 faster than you can make anything out of legos and do a decent job out of it.


Won't you just go to a day care center and show off your 'lego masterpieces' to 5 year olds so you might actually make friends rather complaining. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by BasiliskJC

Are you making fun of Legos?:mad:


Why yes.




Legos aren't fun, so thats the whole purpose of me making fun of it! For me, thats what legos are fun for.




Besides, I wasn't making fun of legos directly-I was making fun of Ike.



No Ike-You're not fun.

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JR, computers are my job, my livelihood. I'm a network administrator. I deal with MS based computers every friggin day. That means DOS, win9x, NT, 2000, XP. I know a thing or four about command prompts. Your command makes no sense to me whatsoever. And even so, you were referring to individual files whereas Thorpie wanted to move entire directories.

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I think I just hate UNIX because it's tied to school (which I hate) in my mind. Even using it outside of school makes me think of school. And I use it ALL the time in school. It's gotten to the point where I'm about to brush my teeth at night, and I squeeze the toothpaste tube, but nothing comes out. I realize I need to give myself permission to use it by removing the cap, so I say, "chmod 744 toothpaste" and try it again. But that doesn't work :(

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I reckon I know why my command isn't working. I have XP, hence, no DOS. Therefore I bunged in a win 98 startup disk and booted. It didn't work. I am thinking that the XCOPY command isn't present in any startup disc. Do I need a full copy of DOS?

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