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Falling Down?

simon says

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The level 3 force pull discription on the zone page says that you will be pulled with enough force to be 'knocked down'. What happens when you fall down? Do you get back up automatically, or have to jump up? And if you can be knocked down, shouldn't you be able to lie down? And play dead?

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Well perhaps you can roll or jump back into a standing position. It would seem cool and rather realistic, after being pushed on your back or pushed on your face and your opponent is about to drill his saber into you you'd quickly roll back or sidewards and get back into a standing position as fast as is humanly (or jedi-ly) possible. )

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It's more likely that there's an auto-regain-feet animation, so being knocked over is just a minor inconvenience. I can't see them having prone animations for attacks/blocks etc. they'd just be making work for themselves.


Doesn't mean that there isn't a feign death option though...

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yes, hopefully there will be some type of force jump in mid air, like in SBX... is would be really weird to have to get used to not being able to do that anymore... its really handy when some jerk pushes you off the tower, and your typing, you can just quick finish and force jump a couple times, then kick his/her butt :D

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