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Force Seeing???


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At The Gaming Zone (MSN) I was looking at the force powers and under Force Seeing Level 3 it said:


"Same as Level 2, but with triple duration and you can dodge sniper fire"


Exactly how will you be able to use Force Seeing to dodge a sniper shot?...Or with it on will it automatically miss you?

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Good question. Nobody knows for sure yet (except maybe Aristotle and the other guys who went on a field trip and they're not going to tell :p). I personally think it will have you jump out of the way. If this is also the way the power works in SP then I'm sure it will have you jump out of the way, cause it will be easier to interpret the computer players' shots. It's just when you put the human factor in on the internet that I'm not sure. For some reason, I think digl will have some insight. (Don't ask me digl! Your name just kind of popped into my head!:confused: )

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haha, Ace beat me to it. That would be so funny(not to mention annoying.) Kyle spectacularly jumps out of the way just as the sniper scorches the ground where he was just standing...........and then plummets to his death off the edge of a cliff.

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i dont think its as automatic as that as it will move you with it on that will make snipers useless in ff games seeing as how (this is based on jk play so could be absolutely wrong) you will have force seeing on constantly maybe you get a notice when your locked on or something i dont know anything posted here will just be speculation my post included until the game comes out but its a good question

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I think it would probably function as a 'spider-sense' (will Kyle say "Jedi sense tingling!"?) giving you an alert that you are about to be shot. Automatic acrobatics wouldn't make sense, and auto blocking shots that are behind you would be problematic.

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Originally posted by DeathBoLT

maybe you'll just auto-duck... or move your torso slighty to the side without actually moving as far as where your feet touch the ground..

and If you are ducking already? :p

the second idea could work

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I agree with RoyalGuard ("Spidy-sence") just because in my opinion that would be the most pratical and it would add to the intensity of the game because whenever it goes off you are to start to freak-out trying to find whoever is aiming at you.:freakout:

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