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Mind Trick execution


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I wonder how the mind trick will be executed. I really really really hope that, Kyle says something like, "you don't need to see my identification." -then the stormtrooper repeats it back to him.


Obviously it won't be that particular quote but maybe, something like,

Kyle: "You do not see me here."

Stormtrooper: " I do not see you there."


I think that would be so sweet, and hilarious.

what do you guys think?

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But perhaps he has a ton of different things to say. going from "You will let me pass through" or "You will let me walk by without shooting" "You won't mind my presence" up to "You will help me defeat the imperials" (try saying that to a civilian lol, he'd run up to them and punch them) oh well, even if Kyle doesn't open his mouth, it would still be fun to use the mind trick.

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i think he'll say something like:

"get me a coffee"


nah seriously i hope they are original and sometimes amusing with those lines ... if they repeat that old "You dont need to see my id"-line then i think ill just shoot the guy and then pass through ...


hehe i hope there are some female characters :D

"You will have a drink with me and then we will ...."

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Originally posted by GSA_Mitth_


hehe i hope there are some female characters :D

"You will have a drink with me and then we will ...."



ROFLMAO!!!! Now that would be very cool!!! :)


Although i have heard there is a romantic "plot" of sorts between two leading characters in it... so perhaps you can use the line ;)



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Originally posted by TRA_KiE



ROFLMAO!!!! Now that would be very cool!!! :)


Although i have heard there is a romantic "plot" of sorts between two leading characters in it... so perhaps you can use the line ;)




*cough* You guys need to get out more :D


Maybe they could have Kyle say it at random points when you use it. It'd have to be something Generic though, because if he said something like 'Let me walk through here' and you were using it to distract to guy so you could crawl through the vent on the opposite wall, it'd seem kind of odd. Maybe a bit of mystique in his wording like: "Your senses fail you".

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What has become clear to me through the various chats and interviews, as well as through Elite Force and even SoF, is that the Raven people try really hard to immerse you into the spirit of the licensed property ... and that they have very good senses of humor and want the games to be cool, fun and funny. I am very much looking forward to the evolution of the 'mind trick' throughout the game, as I'm sure it will be very fun.

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As some one who enjoys taking light powers and making them dark, how about "you will turn and shoot your friends, and then give your blaster to me".


Or, (this one's for Gonkh8ter) "Attach your frag grenade to that Power droid and kick it off the walkway". :)

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