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is force throw gonna be in this one?


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Yes, it's in Jedi Outcast too.


But much better. In MotS, it was fairly innefective imho.


In Outcast, there's 3 levels of skill.


The first one first it straight and it comes back


The second one fires it and its controllable in mid flight.


The 3rd and most powerful level seeks out enemies by itself, which will be good.

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Gonk hes talking about throwing objects not the lightsaber,


Yes you use pull and push to move objects, and throw them into individuals with the force push so now say if theirs a crate rock in fornt of you you will now use force push to push that rock

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Hmmmm.......just a thought but........:D Maybe you cn throw weapons AS weapons?!?! No? Well, imagine this....Stromtrooper general Charges at you, <bang> shot with blaster, he's down, his gun is by his corpse, his lt or whatever is charging you to, you use the force to hurl the General's gun at the Lt <smack> straight in the head, he's down for the count....all we need is a bit of collision detecion!!! :)

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Yeah, chain force throwing debris at your opponent in BGJ is all too easy. (altough when someone tries that on me I tend to force jump and speed my way to a safer place, and let the throwing lad face me there, without any stuff to fling at me ^.^)

hmm... I wonder if you could surprise an enemy by pulling an object that's behind him towards him. It doesn't have to be so fast that it would injure him, surely getting prodded in the back when you're not expecting it is enough to make you jump.

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Originally posted by patchx

so it wont have that auto aiming thing that threw all movable objects on the screen at whoever you targetted then will it?

sounds like it might'nt be as easy this time around....

we have no idea of how It'll work

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Probably my most used skill in JK1 after Jumping.


Remember that "Boss"-level where you met that fellow that was floating around and had no legs. It were so many crates around that I didn't bother slashing him with my saber, I just ran around hurling boxes as I went. :p

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