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DeathStar MP Thoughts & Speculations


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I doubt they will do the death star level based on scenes from the movies. I would say they looked at the clips of it, imitated the textures and layout, and built a level out of that.


They aren't going for a Star Wars tour, they are going for fun and playablility.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Well, let's not say that fun must be lumped together with playability. Obviously, they wouldn't have put in the tour in EF if some people were not going to enjoy it, aka have fun.


Also, Eternity, have you already gone over every movie Death Star scene and decided that none of them have any redeeming "playablility?"


Some of those scenes are very cramped, while others are pretty open. But what's best is that we did not see some of those places from every angle. That leaves plenty of room for Raven to work something in that's both in sync with the movie environment and provides excellent playability.


Finally, what is good playability? Excellent map flow on FF guns? Nice atmosphere on NF sabers? There are so many options. I'm fairly certain a Death Star mp level based on the movies could accommodate at least one of these modes well, especially given what I mentioned above.

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Also, Eternity, have you already gone over every movie Death Star scene and decided that none of them have any redeeming "playablility?"


Some of those scenes are very cramped, while others are pretty open. But what's best is that we did not see some of those places from every angle. That leaves plenty of room for Raven to work something in that's both in sync with the movie environment and provides excellent playability.


Listen, look at it logically, though. Why should they duplicate scenes from the Death Star in painstaking detail to get the architecture, panels, etc. etc. right, just to please 3% of the audience who recognize the scene?


It really doesn't matter if the scenes are fun and have playability, because it's a time consuming waste to include them when Raven can just go by the general look of the rooms and make their own. Why should they duplicate these scenes, at great decrease in progress, when they could make their own levels that are recognized as being the Death Star, and even more fun to play?


I don't see one, and with the fast development cycle that Raven has, I don't think they will either.


As for your last statement: excellent flow and scenes for the light sabers, powers, guns, etc. etc. are all factors in playability, yes. And as I said, they can be implemented far more easily with levels that don't look exactly like scenes from the movie.

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Make no mistake about it, they WILL put in the entire first death star as a level. It's just going to take some time because first they have to make the entire planet naboo MP map followed by the the entire super star destroyer MP map. The latter being the funnest. I can see it now, 16 players over 6 scale miles with spawn points on opposite ends of the ship.




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Its not very realistic to think that they will make a level covering the WHOLE deathstar. For one its too big. Two, the whole planet gravity deal would create a whole slew of problems that I dont think you would be able to fix with the Quake 3 engine.

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Well, for those having doubts that the Death Star will be a MP level, they confirmed it in the PC Gamer Review. But I'm sure most of you knew that anyway.:)


My guess is it will be a fairly large level made for 4-16 players. If I had to guess it would consist of the hanger bay, detention center, trash compactor, the throne room, and a bunch of little extra areas such as halls, the control room, and possibly the tractor beam room. I'm sure they figured out a way to insert all the goodies from the movies without making the level ridiculously large.:)


Then again, maybe it's gonna be just a portion of that and turn out to be a really small level.

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16 vs 16 at the death star would be good. counterstrike style. dont respawn til the new round...


both teams start at different places.


rebels in the hanger (not that 16 rebels would take on a death star.... well.... I guess 3 or 4 did :D) and the imperials somewhere else...


Wouldn't have to be too big.

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/Amazingly important thought


I think they will basically just show what's in the movies, maybe a little more to make us think its something special. Damn marketing techniques, who needs them anyway. You know, everything in this world today involves marketing good to us. Who cares anyway?


Weeeeeee :deathstar

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All this talk about Death Star and Star Destroyer levels got me to thinking..I don't know if this is possible since I never mod before in my life, but what about a MP map on the super star destroyer, 2 teams, certain goal to attain within a time limit..during the time limit the super star destroyer is getting closer and closer to ramming the DS if time runs out and the teams haven't accomplished thier goals then big crash everyone get's fragged...all the while looking out any windows from the star destroyer you'll see the DS getting closer and closer... I dunno, maybe it's too much, like I said I don't know nuthin about no moddin. :confused:

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if Raven have built a death start MP level it would probably be pretty easy too turn it into a larger sp level (more hallways extra little rooms etc.)

An sp level with the old Obi Wan trying to get to the tractor beam controls like in ep 4... cool.

but of course theres the problem with the vader battle

hmmmmmm would vader have to win?

that would be a pretty crap ending to the level


they might have even already done it though like the secret luke bespin level in MOTS


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Something which seems cool to me, would be, if you're in a Death Star I level, multiplayer deathmatch for all i care, and theres one hallway, thats long, but you cant walk into it, but in the end you can see Darth Vader fighting Obi Wan...


They're AI bots of course, and you cant hurt them, you can only watch them fight, forever, neither wins...



Sounds cool to me! As a fun touch...

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And I heard there will be an MP level of the Planet Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth, Naboo, Earth, Dagobah, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto (WOW, Pluto!!), Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Yavin, Endor, Planet X, and lots and lots of Asteroids!! Now doesn't that sound cool! I can't wait to fight on Dagobah! Hey, mabey I'll find my long lost mud hut home......

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