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I want to make some player models - suggestions?


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Well apart from the obvious :guard:


how about NJO characters? An updated Mara Jade, the solo twins, anakin skywalker, Kyp, corran horn/halcyon. They would be cool for multiplayer. (I can mail you 2d art for them if you need it).


On a technical point I hope you have 3d max 4.2 for the models and softimage for any new animations you were planning on.


p.s. thanks Zodiac for the cool picture to add to my collection of cool crimson/royal guard pictures!

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Thanks, Finsonn, for that info. And thanks for the suggestions, everyone; making characters this detailed is a pretty big undertaking, so hopefully the vibrant FPS online community will want to help with skins and whatnot. Definately a blast to make

fan models for a game specifically tied to Star Wars.


And Kir Kanos! Handn't thought of him, but he'd be cool - but how does he move his head around in that ceremonial helmet? :D

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Hmm.. since skins from the prequels are virtually GUARANTEED to come out within six months of the game's release.. how about this:


Yoda! (and any small models... Jawas, Astromech droids, Gonks, Ewoks, Pic, Ughnaughts, etc.)


So far nobody has actually released a working model/skin of yoda that's the right size and looks decent (the SWT TC came close, but never released it IIRC).


Man those would be cool and friggin' hilarious to see in a deathmatch. ; )


I'm sure we'll see the entire rest of the classic/prequel and EU areas in the "normal humanoid body" department soon enough, with the future Skinners and Al MacDonald's of the community...

It will be cool to see recreations of the skins from previous games in the Dark Forces series here as well.

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ASP LIGHTSABER TRAINING DROID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I also want Yun, Gorc, Pic, Sarris, Boc, Maw, and Jerec, and Rahn. I'd like to recreate a battle, I'd be Rahn and go against all 7 Dark Jedi at the same time!!!!!!!!!!! AND WIN!!!!!!!! :D

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Oh man,looking at those Ep2 pics, i really want a recreation of that Kamino plattform Obi vs Jango scene. Would be possible with q3 engine. I just love the dark look of it. And the rain!


How cool of a DM level would that be? ;) *Drool*


I still cannot belive Raven doesnt even include a Boba Fett model. He's the coolest BH from the OT. Im sure Raven will have 1 or 2 freebies for us once the game is out. :)

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as someone that would like to make some models, skins (but probably not levels) what would i need?


as the transcript posted by stormhammer says: 3d Max 4.2, Softimage, any texturing program capable of 512*512 textures (might need to handle better ones, I'm not sure about that one). The Raven designers said you might be able to handle it all with milkshape, but milkshape ain't that highly regarded where I come from.


When you make models, don't forget the :guard: !

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Originally posted by toms

as someone that would like to make some models, skins (but probably not levels) what would i need?


You will need gmax for moddeling, Npherno's tool for optimizing your normals, milkshape for skinning

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, Fellow Jedi Knight Outcast Players I have been making up some characters that people need to modeled (Skinning seems to outdated any way)also I have a some weapons that need to be modeled. I think if this stuff is all done, the Jedi Knight Outcast Community will be great.

Character MODELS


Anakin Skywalker -(Ep1, Ep2)

Aurra Sing

Battle Droid

(Ben)Obi-Wan Kenobi -(Ep1, Ep2, Ep4-6)

Bib Fortuna

Boba Fett


Boss Nass


C-3P0 -(Ep1, Ep2)

Captain Panaka


Count Dooku

Darth Maul

Darth Vader

Dash Rendar


Dr. Evazan

Eeth Koth

Emperor Palpatine



Han Solo


Imperial Royal Guard

Jabba the Hutt

Janga Fett

Jar Jar Binks



Lando Calrissian


Luke Skywalker -(Ep4, Ep5, Ep6)

Mace Windu

Mara Jade

Mon Mothma

Plo Koon

Ponda Baba

Prince Xizor

Princess Leia -(Ep4, Ep5, Ep6)

Queen Amidala

Qui-Gon Jinn

Rebel Pilot

Rebel Officer

Saesee Tiin

Scout Troop


Tie Fighter Pilot

Tusken Raider






From Jedi Knight Dark Forces II



Maw (Full Body)


Qu Rahn



***I know of Course there were characters I missed, but this was the general ones that came to mine.***



A99 Aquata Device

Battle Droid Rifle

Blastech EE-3 Rifle

Blastech DLT-19 Rifle

Blastech DL-18

Blastech DL-44

Blastech W-90


Concussion Gernade Launcher

Concussion Rifle

Double-Bladed Lightsaber


Energy Ball

Energy Shield

Ewok Spear

Flame Thrower

Flash Gernade

Force Pike

Gaderffii Stick

Imperial Repeater Gun

Modified Riot Gun

“Power 5” Blaster Pistol

Proton Gernade

Projectile Rifle

Pulse Cannon

Rail Detonator

R-65 Heavy Blaster

Security S-5 Blster

Sequence Charger

Snare Rifle



***** IF YOU are confused about what any of these weopons due just email me I have first and second functions for most of them. Thanks alot for Looking. Again there may be some more weapons out there.****

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