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I reserved the SPECIAL EDITION come congradulate me! Also, this is my introduction


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hehe. 60bucks babbages. need i say more?




My names Maynard, im new here. Im super-hyped (unhealthly so) for Jk2, looking forward to this being my first modding game. I worship the band TOOL (not literal worship....) but they FREAKING ROCK. anyhow, just wanted to introduce myself!


'Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity'

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I was at the local shopping mall yesterday and Software ETC told me I could reserve my copy of JK2 (when I asked, they didn't show an "official" listing on paper yet) for March 29th.


Now obviously that's no more official than any other date supplied by a store or pre-order site, but that's another opinion.


Think I'll wait until it's out in stores... even if that means not getting the tin (though that would be cool). I could save a few bucks on shipping or price shop, the game will be just as fun either way.


I did pre-order my copy of Highlander: Immortal Edition though, in the tin...


So I'll still have a box for my homemade cookies one way or another!

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