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Yay 4 The Uk!!


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Hey guys!

I just read that Jk2 might be coming out on the 28th of March....IN THE UK!! This is good news for me seeing as game release dates in Australia, are usually the same as those in the UK. Bad news for US residents.....but you ALWAYS get games before me!:) TIME FOR REVENGE!!! I know these dates may be wrong...but i'm going to be optimistic!


P.S. I'm new here so...HELLO EVERYBODY!!!

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Heh, I highly doubt the UK will see an American game before the Americans do. There's a reason that games come to America first. Many of the game development companies(in this case Raven and LEC) are based in the United States. Therefore all of the games they make naturally ship first in their home countries. Matter of fact, I'm not sure I can think of a game developer from the UK.


I think the more likely case for all this confusion is that all the British companies share release dates the same way American companies do. Britain's set theirs earlier than America has, and America will probably set it's release dates correct when JK II goes gold sometime very soon. Either way, we'll know soon. If UK gets it before us Americans, I will eat my foot.

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Well its not unlikely at all imho, considering at a LAN tomorrow at parramatta here in australia a playable version of jediknight 2 will be available for people attending....



so in about 20 hours, people will be playing it here... lots of people.

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Well of course it's possible, but with regards to what is going to happen on paper and what stores will have it when, it's unlikely they'll send it to UK first. There would be no reason to.

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Oh for crying out loud...why not hope that everybody regardless of country gets JK2 on or around the 28th of March....see its a good thing...ah...i'm so saintly... :rolleyes::D

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It's not unheard of for American products to arrive in the UK before the US. After all, the Episode 1 DVD was released a day earlier here than it was in the US :D !



btw, my sincerest apologies for not saying hello to everybody when I joined the forums a couple of days ago, so:



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Guest Apparition

I don't like the UK. Think they're all great with their two letters. We all know three is where it's at. USA!

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most stores in the US set their release dates for tues or thurs, most of the time the game is released on tues and shipped to stores and then sold in stores by thurs, if you preorder you can usually get it a day before they put it on the shelves.

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Guest Apparition

If you want to go the extra mile, most EB stores and all Fry's locations usually break contract laws on major releases and put them out the night before release. It's against contract but they never get any complaints.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Well its not unlikely at all imho, considering at a LAN tomorrow at parramatta here in australia a playable version of jediknight 2 will be available for people attending....



so in about 20 hours, people will be playing it here... lots of people.


Will you be there?


Damn if so report on the coolness factor :)

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Originally posted by Apparition

If you want to go the extra mile, most EB stores and all Fry's locations usually break contract laws on major releases and put them out the night before release. It's against contract but they never get any complaints.


Well I usually get my games from EB, but if they do that then I'll be there the night before and speaking of the night before I hope that they release the release date either this week or at least by next week sometime!! I won't complain too much either if say.....they don't tell us until the day of the release and that day happens to be today :D I know that's not going to happen but I can dream!

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Heh, I highly doubt the UK will see an American game before the Americans do


*cough* elite forces (a raven game) *cough* One week earlier over here *cough* yay activision!


plus WH smiths in my town has the fantastic habit of sticking stuff on the shelves as soon as they get it (damn the release dates) and claiming staff incompetence if anyone calls it.


In the spirit of this thread YAY UK!

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As a matter of fact, European release dates are earlier when the game is big, in this case outcast, but when the game is really big, i.e. Tiberian Sun its released all over the world at the same time, like here in Holland it was released the same time as in the US so that ment for us we could shop at 2:30 in the night, yay for that, but anyway, to me it doesn't matter, i'l kick your arses anyway,



YAY for the Almighty Netherlands, now don't go whining about us not being in the World Cup in South Korea thats not fair.


well later










Catch you later,


See you later aligator,


P.S. are those the most common terms used in the US for saying someone goodbye, if so let me know okay, i got a bet running

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