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is it gonna be hard to edit?


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i used to mess around with JK and MOTS to make single player missions (crap connection- no multiplayer) and the COG language that made all the stuff happen was pretty easy to figure out how to use.

i've never tried editing any other games, so does anyone know if it's gonna be as easy this time or not

cause i got some pretty cool ideas for some sp levels



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i dont think i could commit to anything that cool sounding!

i was pretty crap at it really and just did it to mess around

i only made two of my levels available at hyperview.


i was working on a cool version of the infiltration of thrawns clone labs on wayland out of zahns novels.

the architecture required to make a realistic jungle was too much for the game engine though i think or maybe it was just my old computer.

anyway thats gonna be my first project with JK2



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Q3 is lightyears ahead of COG language, so to code, your gonna need some C++, C, and some other languages under your belt to really understand it fully. You dont need a Ph.D. in C++ to code some stuff though, like weapons. Lots of tutorials are available for Quake3. I suggest you start looking on http://www.PlanetQuake.com for some starters. That includes mapping, modelling, and some other stuff as well.


I will probably get into mapping and possibly texturing (but I doubt it. I suck at art. :) ) and learning how to map in Q3 is a real helper and headstart.

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I'm still going to edit MotS when jedi outcast expansion pack comes out. :) What's the point of stopping what I'm good at. hehehe And it'll benefit some people who don't have a good enough computer to care about jedi outcast. heh..

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I'm still going to edit MotS when jedi outcast expansion pack comes out. :) What's the point of stopping what I'm good at. hehehe And it'll benefit some people who don't have a good enough computer to care about jedi outcast. heh..


Thats pretty sad. I'd have to loan someone a computer if it was THAT bad...

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well....it is posible 2 do just about nething u want with the q3 engine if u spend long enough working at it...

mapping...modelling.....skinning...is all fairly simple just takes time...

and mods....all u need is an idea...and u can do it




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i agree with Steg. Editing is for Quake 3 is easy and fun but it takes time to learn how to do it. I tried making Quake 3 levels but i never had the time to actually sit for long periods and try making maps. I suggest if you want to get into JO editing, start editing Quake 3, RTCW, MOHAA, or Elite force because they all use the same engine, and use the same level editor. when it came to cogs, it was all writen in C++ which i figure so are the files for JO, but who knows. They are starting to use Java to make games now.

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Originally posted by Desslock


Thats pretty sad. I'd have to loan someone a computer if it was THAT bad...


I never said i wouldn't try to edit jedi outcast. :) I have tried making maps with elite force, i made a box. :D When i get jedi outcast, i might just switch over to editing it IF i am able to play my own levels with no problem, etc. *returns to making his 4 story mots mp level: 'Aresen HQ'

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I made a box in Elite Force, but when I go into the game all I see is my weapon and "blackness". I'm sure that I placed a light and that I did it just like I was supposed to (filling out all parameters).


So, I think it will be pretty hard. For me, anyways.

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Originally posted by Jedi Legend

I made a box in Elite Force, but when I go into the game all I see is my weapon and "blackness". I'm sure that I placed a light and that I did it just like I was supposed to (filling out all parameters).

So, I think it will be pretty hard. For me, anyways.


Your light might not have been strong enough.

Your info_player_start might have been out of the map.

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