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Prima Strategy Guide

Guest Maul403

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The Stategy Guide is really kinda informative. It has a short story, which I really didn't understand why they put in, about the Imperial Assault on Kashyyyk. They had walkthroughs on all the missions. The scenerio editor section was lacking, and so was the code section (we already know them all!). They had some pretty good strategies and even a multiplayer strategy/ Interview that was interesting. They had very little information on the units and buildings. Focom had a much better strategy guide.

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If it's worse than the FoCom one, there's no hope.



It should have at least two of these elements:


  • Map of ever campaign scenario
  • Full range of cheats
  • Statistics of toybox units


The reason I'm not putting in unit list is that when AoK came out, there was a unit list in the manual (yes, better than the FoCom's manual "key stats and that's it". It even had the history of every unit :)). I guess its the same with GB so that they figured they didn't need that chapter in the strategy guide.

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The guide doesn't have any maps, or any mention of toybox units. The only statistics it has are the basic ones (like recruit, strike mech, assault mech), no advanced unit stats. It only has the cheats that we know about, no others. It pretty much sucks.

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i once bought a guide spending 20 $ for aoe2

then a week later i found every word in that book on some website

i prefer not to buy guides

i would rather look them up on the internet

and i prefer not to know cheats cuz it spoils my life

i found out the cheats for aoe2 and now i can never play it without typing in some cheats to help me

thats why i like ra2 *no cheats*

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Guest Toothless-OMO

I saw it in the store today and though another useless Prima Guide.


It has very little infor in it that i could see. I wish BradyGames would have made the Guide. They are much better at it but Prima has a lock on the maret it seems. Too bad. :(

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the thing about prima is that they focus heavily on the missions but not so much on the extra add ons of the game such as mp and scenario editor. it happened with aok and the conquerors.


it wouldn't be such a bad idea if some of us here came up with a link to our strategies, where each man/girl (if any of you are out there), focus on either a civ or an aspect of each civ (economy, reconnaissance, etc.) however, the manual is pretty spiffy...

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Guest dlayers

Hey guys,


Unless you need help with the single player missions then I would reccommend passing on the strategy guide...it's pretty much useless.


Here's the quick overview:

1) Story about Imps sending a small landing party that gets destroyed by Wookies as bait for a larger landing party that whipes out the Wookies, as told by one of the survivors of the 'bait' party.


2) How to beat each level in the single player version.


3) A brief overview of each unit that tells what can destroy it and what it can best destroy.


4) Interview with developers who all say:

A) They like Wookie civ.

B) They play Trade Feds/Imps and team with Rebels/Naboo.



That, my friends is the entire strategy guid...please send me your $10.00 ;)

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