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WOW! Didn't see this one before!


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Yeah, he really does look like Lando, aside from the critical lack of melanin, sudden lightsaber proficiency, fine hair, and stunning 180 from his usual playboyish garb. (Note the use of heavy sarcasm)


Regarding Yun: He died, either way, in JK. Dark Side had you battle him to the death, and Light Side had him killed (or at VERY least, mortally wounded) in a cutscene. He's pushing up daisies.


Please, folks, settle down. No, there is no Jabba the Hutt love scene with Leia while Luke is tap-dancing to the Imperial march after Lando and Chewie turn purple when they realize that Han is a Twi'lek that had polio that he got from C-3PO, who was masquerading as a harlot because he needed credits to pay off Boba Fett's incriminating party photos that were snapped on Endor during the Sith Wars. Get a grip, and use your (or someone else's, in the case of a total lack) common sense!

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Yeah when you escape from the falling ship in JK you wake up after a while of being unconscious. Boc, Sariss and Yun are there. Right when Boc is talking about your weapon, he lays it down and smashes it to peices with a rock. He leaves and Sariss is about to kill you when Yun interrupts, trying to save you and is killed by Sariss. I remembered all the cutscenes from JK. Then like usual you get up quick, pick Yuns weapon up as fast as you can and battle Sariss.


Thats funny if you ask me. Yun only turns the lightside if you stay on that path. I guess hes amazed by your strength to refuse the darkside.


Anyway. If its Lando then it is multiplayer, considering there is a same shot from this scene with him laying on the ground dead. I bet its an apprentice helping you fight.

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Hmmm...remember the Egyptian type room setting with Luke? Most likely this was a jedi temple, with apprentices. There is another pic with the same Egyptian type style, with a sort of ring for training. With seemingly two young jedi there. Im not sure if I remember but perhaps a boy and a girl...*get's to thinking about Han and Leia*. Nah that's a dumb idea...

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