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Micro Machines

Dagobahn Eagle

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How many Micro Machines ships do you have? Do you collect them? Myself:


3 X-Wings

3 Y-Wings

1 TIE Fighter

1 Broken TIE Fighter

1 Broken TIE Bomber

3 Star Destroyers

2 AT-STs

2 AT-ATs

1 Sandcrawler

1 TIE Interceptor

1 Super Star Destroyer

1 A-Wing

1 Alien invader ship (again, I've forgotten the name, the aliens who invaded the galaxy forcing the rebels and imperials to ally against them)

2 Correlian Corvette

2 Millenium Falcons

1 Rebel Escort Carrier

1 Skipray Blastboat

2 B-Wings



1 Borg cube

1 Enterprise ? (new, light blue ship)

1 Enterprise ? (old gray ship)

1 Ferengi ship

1 Yellow long ship, no idea of what kind of ship it is :p

USS Reliant

1 Klingon vessel

Deep Space Nine


1 Independence Day Alien fighter craft

2 F/A 18s


39 in all. Then a couple of MM Star Wars action figures. Kind of cool to play with :).

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

I can not find any star wars micro machines anymore. All I can find is action figures, unless I go to the flea market,

I got the AT-AT and A-Wing for $15 each there.

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Guest DarkTrooper

i have tons i dont know where they are though, in storage probably. but i have Dash and his swoop. speederbike with luke and "the black glove". Lamba class transport with Han and Chewie. Boba fett and the Slave 1 with cargo hatch for carbonated Han. Deth Star crew. Hoth rebel troops. some missing due to the effects of the deatrh star 5 ( which is just me holding a microscope on them on a very hot day[heheheheheeh]) man good times good times.

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Guest Tie Guy

I don't have any SW ones, but i have a boatload of military ones. I once made a movie with them vs. giant claymation reptiles.


(it looked better than it sounds, trust me ;))

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Guest DarkTrooper

i have a movie idea that i have been thinking of. my uncle owns like 4 acres of land in the desert so i will go out there and cover it with fake snow and get a digital video camera and do a huge battle with all my guyz and film it and then get music for it ( my friend makes that kind of stuff so i can get it from him. the add titles. how does that sound

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My Army!


EP 1...

2 Trade Tanks

1 N-1

2 Fambaas

10 Gungans

1 Trade Transport

15 battledroids

1 Droideka

Ep 4-6


30 fleet troopers

10 echo base troopers

20 pilots

5 Yt-1300

1 Yt-2400

6 X-wings

2 Y-wings

4 B-wings

2 A-wings

1 Z-95

1 Frigate

1 troop transport

1 Collerian Corvette

2 Mol Cal cruisers

2 taun-tauns


2 shuttle

2 SD


5 tie/f

3 tie/I



3 stormtroopers

4 speederbike

1 dewback

2 Death star

1 Sun crusher


2 slave 1

1 Yt-666

1 IG-2000

1 Ssi-Ruuvi

3 swoops

3 fetts

2 starvipers

12 aliens

5 Jawas

3 sandcrawers

8 sandpeople

20 others

1 Ssi-ruuk

22 Heros






:D :D :D :D




Now for my US Millitarty

23 tanks

5 F-14

6 F-15

60 soldiers

5 Helichoppers

21 ATV

10 other planes


:D :D :D :D

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Guest Kioet Csuhen
Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

i have em all ocer one of my rooms they are cool lol


and they dont make em any more so they are very valubal.


just the other day i sold a stormtrooper only one odf em very small for 18$


holy smokes. I got a collection of Rebel Hoth soldiers and Tie Fighter pilots. :) i opened them up too of course. but still, $18 for one of those little people...dang the flea market isn't that bad compared to that. lol

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Guest Kioet Csuhen
Originally posted by dr_death

i am just curious but

why do you collect them?


cause it's fun. and u can show them off to your friends. prestige i guess. one of my family's trekker friends came in my room and quickly walked back out. hehehe i also collect them just cause it's fun to collect them, u know, like collecting baseball cards. speaking of baseball card, i've probably got $1000 worth of them from 5+ years ago...

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Guest dr_death

them rebel hoth soldiers look cool!


they will be worth alot espisially in about 50 years!

i wish i still liked playing with figures i would of loved them!!!!

i didnt watch star wars until a year ago!

i used to play with monster in my pockets!

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SW MicroMachines!!! I have 3 armadas...

Imperial Armada


12 TIE Interceptors

12 TIE advanced/DV's TIE

12 TIE Bombers

24 TIEs

12 assorted extras that are diff...(silver/Gold/Bronze)

Capitol Ships

15 Star Destroyers

3 Super Star Destroyers

5 Nebulan B frigates

4 assorted extras that are diff...(silver/Gold/Bronze)

Rebel Armada

Rebel Fighters

28 X-wings

12 Y-wings

12 A-wings

12 B-wings

12 assorted extras that are diff...(silver/Gold/Bronze)

Capitol Ships

10 Home Ones

15 Mon Remondas

5 Nebulan B frigates

14 assorted Frieghters

5 assorted extras that are diff...(silver/Gold/Bronze)

Civilian/Black Sun/Bounty Hunter Armada


20 Viragos

20 Z-95s

10 Skipray Blastboats

assorted others including gold, silver, and bronze

Capitol Ships

10 Ssi-Ruuk Cruiser

31 Assorted Frieghters and bounty Hunters' ships


And there is a bunch of extras that I occasionally incorparate into armadas also...

Like more silver/bronze/gold and a bunch of extra fighters and capitol ships...(I have a TON of SDs and SSDs. Home Ones and Mon Remondas are the same way)

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Guest Tie Guy

I don't know about you guys, but i used to play with mine. I staged little battles with all of them, it was really fun, and sometimes they went into several rooms of my house. :D

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

i have mine set up on a shelf. right now the at-at and tie pilots are advancing onthe fleeing hoth rebel soldiers!! GO IMPERIALS!!

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I don't know about you guys, but i used to play with mine. I staged little battles with all of them, it was really fun, and sometimes they went into several rooms of my house. :D



Thats why I have ARMADAS!!!:D


It is really fun when you someone is on the computer and you just don't want to play the same old N64 games:D

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