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Fett in JKII


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For the people familiar with:fett: in the Eu StarWars, it is well known that :fett: survives the pit of Sarlac and manages to get out, thus haunting the galaxy once again. Also, :fett: hates Jedis. And another note, :fett: had a fight with Kyle in Dark Forces (JKI took place around the trilogy time so we all know what :fett: was up to then). So it could be likely and awesome if :fett: shows up in JKII. It would be a nice surprise/secret/scene/:fett: revenge if hes in it. Raven may have some surprises (super secert) up it's sleeve like :fett: Hey, anything is possible (in a game).

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I say leave Fett out of it... It was nice encountering him in Dark Forces, and not to mention we've probably all encountered him a million times in Dark Forces and/or Jedi Knight single player custom levels that level designers have been making. So fear not, he will make an appearance eventually.

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This may be alittle off topic (since the original poster was reffering to :fett: in SP, while I'm reffering to a skin of :fett: in MP).


In the latest dev chat someone asked if we would have a :fett: skin in MP, the answer was "no" becuase he was already dead by that time period.


However, I believe that it's possible we'll see a Mandalor skin. The devs were being very careful to mislead people as much as possible, while still being honest (;) ), so I wouldn't at all be surprised if we see a new Mandalore skin (like the one in JK) return once again...

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LoL they better, there concerned about the movies, OMG the sarlacc ate boba fett hes dead. Wrong . There making this game up then cause its 10 years after ROTJ and in the books boba fett got out. Also weve seen the pic of luke at the academy but theres no academy in movies , i guess they better edit the game!

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bendernyc: Is any of the music from Episode One going to appear in the game - more specifically, Duel of the Fates?

Kevin S: No Episode One music. Wrong time period.


Good theory Silent_Thunder, maybe there is a Mandalor skin

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LoL they better, there concerned about the movies, OMG the sarlacc ate boba fett hes dead. Wrong . There making this game up then cause its 10 years after ROTJ and in the books boba fett got out. Also weve seen the pic of luke at the academy but theres no academy in movies , i guess they better edit the game!



There is no academy in the movies but there is one in the books, the one on Yavin 4.

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Interesting question...

Maybe ChangKhan could clarify this, but I dont think he'd read this thread

post a new thread about it at the editing forum, maybe one of the expert editors around know something

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Boba Fett is just a pitiful clown; I've never understood his little cult following. His sole redeeming virtue is that he was able to distinguish the Millennium Falcon from a piece of garbage and whistle up Imperial reinforcements at Cloud City. After that, though, he gets slapped around by a shoddily trained Jedi and a blind man in a bout of Jar Jaresque physical comedy. Big whoop.


So for all this he gets written into a series of really bad EU fiction which casts him as a godlike character? Nuh uh, I don't buy it. Nor do I think he'd have the intestinal fortitude to take on Kyle Katarn twice if he could at all avoid it. Kyle made Fett look the fool (not that revealing his true nature is all that HARD) in Dark Forces --with no Jedi abilities. The combination of having been kicked around by Jedi Luke and Normal Kyle would make him MOST reluctant to tangle with a Jedi Kyle, don'tcha think? ;)

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I believe the difference in EU literature that they accept is that the Jedi Academy trilogy has not been disproven by Lucas. It is disproven that Boba Fett is "Jaster Mareel" in episode II. We see why he hates Jedi and we see where he really came from. Those books were written by a cult following who couldn't accept that Lucas had killed him off. His surviving the Sarlacc is ridiculous and a pitiful attempt to make a god out of a background character. Though Denise posts once every 10,000 years, I must agree. Boba Fett is cool, but not cool enough to come back from the dead under a false identity after the Flanneled One himself has disproven the books. Mandalorian skins are fun though. They are like a newbie staple.

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Thank god (or the diety of your choice) Boba Fett isn't showing up. I'm so sick of fighting him in nearly every game I play, dating all the way back to ESB on the Nintendo. Not that he doesn't look neat, or have some cool gear, but after so much leftover meat loaf, don't you want some leftover pizza instead? I suppose that I'm also sour that I couldn't appropriate his rocket pack and wrist launcher :rolleyes:

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Guys, Fett was the OT's version of Darth Maul: a gimmicky villain with limited screen time, close to zero lines, a stupid death, and an action figure fervor. Besides, anyone who falls into the mouth of some animal too lazy to seek out its own food can't be THAT cool. Fett COULD have been cool, if he'd carried Leia off in his arms, and they spent the rest of their lives on some beach planet, Leia perpetually wearing that metal bikini. It would be good programming for the Travel Channel. Mmmmm....metal bikini...


Uh, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Fett. Leave him out.

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I only like fett cause he looks cool. Hes got an awesome costume. That is all. Doesn't matter anyone who wants to be him can just download the model after the game is made. I"m sure there will a zillion other ones to add from modelers there always is. So stop whining.

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