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I can't wait for the TDR!!!

Dark Bob

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I'll tell you what I'M waiting for . . . The Tenloss Disrupter Rifle! oh man, does that thing look great. Ooh, the ability to disinigrate your enemies with such a task as simple as pressing a button! Sweet joy! Thank god it replace that awful Carbon Freezing Gun from Mysteries of the Sith. That thing sucked megamundo big time. Anywho, if you've got any info on the TDR . . .reply reply reply!

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Disruptor (4)

Description: A brutal weapon, the DXR-6 Disruptor destroys at the molecular level. The shot reaches the target instantaneously, making it the most accurate pinpoint weapon available.


Primary: Single-shot, low rate of fire, instant attack.


Secondary: Press the Secondary Fire button to activate the scope. The longer you hold down the button, the further the scope zooms in. Hold down the Primary Fire button to prepare a shot.

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A lot of background and technical info (NOT related to JK2) can be found in the Star Wars: Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology book. You can usually find these (as there are multiple Essential Guides) either in the sci-fi or graphic novel section of most quasi-decent bookstores. There's a ton of UE and canon gear, dating from ANH to the New Jedi Academy era.

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