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Guest BlackMantis

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Guest BlackMantis

Hello All :


Thought it would probably be 'proper' to introduce myself, as I just discovered the forum and am brand spankin' new.


I actually just discovered SWBG as a viable game about a week ago. I wasn't impressed with the demo when it first came out, so disregarded the game early on.


I have been looking forward to both Empire Earth and Battle Realms for quite some time, so I thought there would be no room for SWBG in my RTS future.


However, after buying and playing Battle Realms for about 3 days, I came to a conclusion about myself: I don't like tight, tactical battles nearly as much as larger, more strategic battles. In Battle Realms, about every 15 seconds I would sit there and curse that I could not Zoom Out!!! I got so frustrated, that I took the game back. Now, I am NOT badmouthing that game, as it really was fantastic, and anyone "into" those type of close, tactical battles will probably think they died and went to heaven. It is simply not for me.


Long story short (well, semi-short), my brother downloaded the SWBG demo and asked if I wanted to play on-line. (I didn't even know you could do that, duh!). Well, we had an abo****e blast. Strategic combat..... talk about happy!


Anyway, I am looking forward to picking up the game today, and just wanted to say 'hello' to all of you. I am from Phili., and there seems to be a pretty good East-Coast thing going on here in the forums... kinda' cool.


Look forward to seeing you all online once I become good enough not to completely suck at the game.





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Guest Boba Rhett

Hi BlackMantis. Welcome to the GB.com forums. :)


*Hands BlackMantis an official gb.com welcome basket*


The demo doesn't do justice to the actual game. Everything that was wrong with the demo has apparently been fixed. :) I'm going to get my copy today too. *YAY* :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

It's my hash and you can't have any! *runs away*



Someone who has the game start posting some more pics or I'll start busting some caps! :mad: Me want more pics! :(



*throws Tirion a giftbasket* :p

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Guest BlackMantis

*feels bad for Tirion, looks into his gift basket, pulls out a big Philly Cheesesteak (yum!) and gives it to Tirion*






Thanks for the hearty welcomes.


A little off topic: There is a tremendous amount of debate going on in other forums over the "better" game: SWGB / EE. Am I the only one who thinks they can BOTH be great games ?!?!?



~ Mantis

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Guest ImpStarII

Hi. I hope you enjoy this place. (i am not from the east coast, but, could I have a Philly cheesesteak too. I am at school right now and hungry) What is EE.



From the Star Destroyer, Sly


ImpStarII :cool:


"You can't look dignified when you're having fun"-Wes Janson, Wraith Squadron

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Originally posted by ImpStarII

Hi. I hope you enjoy this place. (i am not from the east coast, but, could I have a Philly cheesesteak too. I am at school right now and hungry) What is EE.



From the Star Destroyer, Sly


ImpStarII :cool:


"You can't look dignified when you're having fun"-Wes Janson, Wraith Squadron


EE = Empire Earth

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