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which weapons can you not wait to play in jedi outcast  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. which weapons can you not wait to play in jedi outcast

    • Bryar Pistol
    • E-11 Blaster Rifle
    • Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun
    • Heavy Repeater
    • Bowcaster
    • Tenloss Disruptor Rifle
    • Golan Arms FC-1
    • Thermal Detonator
    • Det Pack,Laser Trip Mine,

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Originally posted by Tasuki

I'm lookin foward to making some traps and such with the trip mines and remote detonators. Especially after seeing the last ep f cowboy bebop... errr its an anime


Alas.. I have yet to see that great anime.(looking forward to it though... altough I just blew my cash on Slayers) But I will someday

.. and personally I don't really get any feeling of satisfaction out of getting a kill via setting a devious trap.. sorta makes death unavoidable for the victim. I rather challenge them to a fair & honest saber duel.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt


Alas.. I have yet to see that great anime.(looking forward to it though... altough I just blew my cash on Slayers) But I will someday

.. and personally I don't really get any feeling of satisfaction out of getting a kill via setting a devious trap.. sorta makes death unavoidable for the victim. I rather challenge them to a fair & honest saber duel.

I would do that but then run away and as they chase me set off a bomb with a remote detonator. THe sheer amount of fun you can have is ammazing with eplosives. by the way cowboy bebop is on cartoon network on saturdays late if you want to see it.
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Originally posted by Tasuki

by the way cowboy bebop is on cartoon network on saturdays late if you want to see it.

Not over here in Belgium they don't, I need to import everything ^.^


Rail Gun?

Nah... never was fond of that thing, too powerful, too slow to recharge, too precise lol. I'd rather have a good lightsaber by my side instead of that surgeonists gun ^_^" (good thing the rail gun isn't in JK or JKII)

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Vash > Bebop :D


What it looks like to me from Kurgans post is that Raven took what the felt was 'the best of a lot of worlds' and crammed them together.


I know the ST rifle had a redo in firing modes. Detonators should remain unchanged due to the fact they were so damn fun in the first one. Not too sure on the bowcaster though. The FC-1 Fires prox mines for the secondary fire, which I've never seen done before (shotgun + Prox mine launcher from Avp1+2?). The Heavy repeater is your standard run of the mill assault rifle and grenade launcher. Nothing new there. And heck, the disrupter could even look like the phaser rifle from EF if you made a few cosmetic changes to it...


Originality these days is rare. To be honest, we need another Star Wars/Lord of the Rings story to influence the game designers a bit more. If thats the case I guess we can blame Hollywood for not making any original Sci-Fi movies :mad:

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I think a weapon similar to the ones in Fifth Element would be cool. You know the ones that seemed to fire every thing from flame thrower to frost blast and even a net that would be fun. You could freeze people then smash them with your sabre. Or net them and then grip them. The possibilities are endless.


Or it could be a really stupid idea? You decide.....

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While I accept that the weapons aren't anything new and amazing, so what? As soon as I get the light sabre I won't bother with them! This is Jedi Knight, not Bounty Hunter! (Though I do remember having great fun running from opponents, dropping a mine, force jumping away and laughing as their corpse flew across the level. Mwahahahaha!)

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Kurgan let's see you come up with a list of like 10 weapons that have never appeared in any game, or even 1


I don't think I'd complain one bit if the weapons were all the same as they'd been in JK1.


I bet I could actually. However, I'm not a game developer, so what does it matter if I make an imaginative list? Maybe if I planned to make a weapons mod... but there's more to it than just originality, there's also balance and making them "look cool," it's a lot of work. I admit, it's much easier to just use weapons everybody is already familiar with, but I'd rather see something somewhat new. About the only good thing about this list is that it should be easy to learn for most FPS players, and it comes right out of the SWEGW&T.


My point was that I like a little variety. What JK2 (from the descriptions mind you) seems to be doing is basically just giving us a handfull of weapons we've already used in other FPS games. The only ones that sound like they're really new are the Jawa gun, and perhaps the lightsaber (if it's as different from the JK1 saber as they make it out to be).


Contrary to popular belief, there is no rule that says an FPS game (or even a Good FPS game) has to have a shotgun type weapon, a rocket launcher type weapon, a throwable grenade, a machinegun, and a placeable explosive. Those are just in games because people EXPECT them to be there, since so many games before have put them in.


JK1's weapons were not all "original" either, but then some of their weapons were unique at the time. For example the Rail Detonator. Yes, it had the primary fire which was just a slow rocket launcher, but then the secondary fire was the infamous "sticky rail" which I had not seen in any FPS game prior (or since, now that I think about it anybody think of one?). MotS added "seeker ammo" which were heat seeking missile versions of the regular rocket. I believe we've seen seeking missiles in FPS games before, but the only one I can think of before MotS was the one in Unreal's expansion (which was manual controlled and one shot at a time).


That reminds me... Unreal had a nice spin on the Rocket Launcher.. their 8-Ball gun could load up multiple rockets and fire them all at once, for a spread or circular formation. You could also fire unpowered "grenades" and load up multiple shots. Quite original. You could also opt for the "instant rockets" mode, taking away the multiple rocket ability in favor of the old standby.


Mines are nothing new, but the Mines in JK could have 3 second explosions, proximety mines (that could stick to virtually any surface and could be stacked) and MotS added remote trigger mines with the same "stick anywhere" properties. That was quite nice I must say. Since then, other games have picked up this idea but not much has changed, other than making the mines come out of a gun (for distance).


The ST rifle was just a machinegun, sure, and ported from Dark Forces. But then it was a projectile gun, not the "instant hit" machinegun we've seen in every FPS since Doom. The shots were "randomized" and got more inaccurate with distance. In addition, MotS added the secondary scope with both autozoom and manual zoom (sniper scopes are nothing new, though this one had a bit of a "night vision" effect to it.


Bowcastor (I know it's in JK2 and it's identical to the one in JK, but bear with me, it was original when it came out): a variation on the shotgun.. it had the single or charged spread of up to five shots (that disipated over distance) and the secondary powerful "bouncing" shot that could richochet off walls.


Lightsaber (I know, in JK2, but again, original at the time) not at all like the "axe" in Quake1 or other similar "zero range ammoless melee weapons" in many other FPS games before and since... it had medium range, was throwable (in MotS), could block blaster fire if you were not swinging (and aiming at the target), could block other sabers, and had at least 10-13 different swings. It also could be used to slash open grates, destroy certain stationary objects, act as a makeshift field light that never burned out, and was great for quick kills against non-saber using enemies. In addition, it added saber-dueling to the list of gametypes that people enjoy playing, a whole new variation on the time-worn "death match."


Flash Grenades. The same old grenade, but it has the ability to temporarily "blind" (by whiting out their screen if they don't have seeing on) their targets and doing a tiny amount of additional damage.


Carbonite Gun. Yes, Duke3D had a freeze gun, although it was completely different. Duke's freeze ray was a projectile gun that had long distance range. The shots bounced off non-living objects and could hit you (but just did damage, no freezing). Multiple hits were required to freeze a target, then it could be shattered by kicking it (destroying the target). MotS's carbonite gun by contrast, was a "particle area effect" weapon that sprayed targets only at rather close range. Multiple sprays in sequence were required to freeze a target and a heavy blow (including stricking with the butt end of the gun) or explosion were required to shatter the target.


The weapons in Elite Force were somewhat boring, I admit. Most of them looked cool, but it came down to basically each one being: "Primary fire: machine gun/Secondary fire: big powerful shot or explosion" except the hand phaser which was interesting.


If JK/MotS could come up with original weapons (and Dark Forces before it... need I mention the Fusion Cutter, Concussion Rifle, and possibly the Repeater?), why not JK2? I'm sure these weapons will be fine, but you get my point now I think.

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Rail Gun?

Nah... never was fond of that thing, too powerful, too slow to recharge, too precise lol. I'd rather have a good lightsaber by my side instead of that surgeonists gun ^_^" (good thing the rail gun isn't in JK or JKII)


Disrupter = rail gun.


I personally enjoy the rail gun.. theres something satisfying about picking off targets or closing and killing them in a few shots.


The weapons in Elite Force were somewhat boring, I admit. Most of them looked cool, but it came down to basically each one being: "Primary fire: machine gun/Secondary fire: big powerful shot or explosion" except the hand phaser which was interesting.


I agree with EF weapons being dull.. there didn't seem to be any significant difference between them and that sucked :( As far as the hand phaser went, I found it more annoying than useful. As I'd get into multiplayer games finding myself out of ammo, I'd be using the hand phaser thinking about how much I wish I had a good melee weapon right about then.

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If JK/MotS could come up with original weapons, why not JK2?


I'll tell you why


JK1 = 1997

JK2 = 2002


And how in god's name would it make any sense for the weapons Kyle encounters when he's fighting a lot of the same enemies he was in JK, to be different?


I wish they'd just kept the exact same JK1 guns to be honest.

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I don't care as long as I got my stormtrooper rifle, light saber, and some mines to be devious and evil with. I live how you can now force push those silly missle away reminds me of the dbz ep where gohan does that.


vash is greater than bebop

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