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SSSHH...do you here that?


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Hey guys! i was just watching the PCGamer UK movie, and at about the 2min mark, when kyle has just done a force jump and is fighting some other jedi, either kyle or that other jedi uses force grip. you can here the sound effect which sounds exactly like the JK1 sound effect. Interesting news? No, not really. but i'm sooo bored and nothing much else has happened so i thought i'd share this with you


see ya!

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I heard that too, i just listened to it cause of this post saying about the grip sound, and just before that he says something liek using force speed, again, i could not make it out 100% and maybe i am wrong... But surely if he says this in multiplayer and people hear it, it will be abit wierd!

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Guys, dont get it wrong. Raven probebly did NOT just take the .wav files (or whatever they were) from the JK1 game. Most of those sounds are taken from the LucasLisencing or LucasFilms database. In JK1 the sounds are not up to today's standards, but those in JK2 should be. Even though they are deep down the same.


The weapons, force powes, etc might sound the same, but they probebly got re-mixed for better sound ambiance.

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