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modem play


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eh? The last thing I remeber being said about modem was in a Jedi Knote or interview, about the number of players supported, it said something like "but don't expect a big number of players on modem"or 56K or something along those lines.


i think he meant people playing with modems over the internet. swoopers wondering if it will support direct modem to modem play, not through the internet.


i think it would be good if they supported that too... although i don't think they will. i don't remember seeing it on quake 3 and i don't think they'd add it in a newer game. oh well

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sorry to burst your bubble, but most new games these days don't support modem to modem play. The only reason i can come up with is that phone lines can't send that much information at once. But thats no prob for me and my buds. all my friends and i have cable internet(except 2 despise JO, but i always give them a piece of my mind) so it just me and my other friend who are going to play but thats alright. we'll team up against people online. :D




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I hope they do but i don't tihkn they will cos hardly any new games have that support. you can't beat good ol' fashion modem play... and also slmost everyone where i live do not have cable.... well hardly offered and er.... very expensize (£38 a month anyone?) so i hope they do include it but probably not. Also i downloaded EF mp demo and the Netcode actually sucked bad even tho it was the Q3 engine.

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Also i downloaded EF mp demo and the Netcode actually sucked bad even tho it was the Q3 engine.


oh no, this could be bad... i wanna have saber duals online, but that could be impossible if the netcode sucks, having dial up and all... i'm sure it won't be as bad as jk though, that has lag even over my network!

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oh no, this could be bad... i wanna have saber duals online, but that could be impossible if the netcode sucks, having dial up and all... i'm sure it won't be as bad as jk though, that has lag even over my network!


I think you may be getting things confused. In Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith, you would have been more than capable of having saber duels on a 56k. There is lag, but it's a different type of lag. In Jedi Knight, you're forced to predict and swing at your opponent before you actually see him/her where you're swinging. This isn't exactly the easiest netcode to get used to, but it does have it's advantages.


1. LPB's and HPB's are relatively even. If you ping them at 300, chances are, they're pinging you at or around 300.


2. Even with a few thousand ping, you're still able to move around without freezing up, although sometimes you do still freeze. Have you ever played Q3 with your 56k? If you don't get the best 56k connection on Earth, you're probably freezing up quite a bit. Some netcodes (Quake II & Tribes 1), which support dedicated servers were very 56k user-friendly, but others like Q3 weren't.


You're correct though, Jedi Knight does have alot of lag, when you're playing it over a network. I've seen anywhere from 50-100 ping even when using 100mbit network cards. 50-100 ping is still alot better than the 300-400 that most people get online with 56k. 50-100 ping in Jedi Knight is very good. If everyone pinged like that online, you wouldn't need to predict much at all, if at all. CTF would be a whole new world. :)


call me old fashioned but will there be modem play cause one of my mates has acrap internet provider so he cant really play on the net


I seriously doubt that Jedi Outcast will be supporting modem-modem play my friend. Hopefully you and your friend will be able to find other ways of playing Outcast together, like having or attending lan-parties. Good luck, you're entering the harsh realm of the LPB and are going to need it.

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i've played quake 3 and i didn't freeze up (i was hosting though hehe).


I have played a bunch of UT though and i hardly ever "frooze" i think. sometimes it would take a fraction of a second for a missile to lauch but other then that it was smooth.


if thats anything like the quake 3 netcode i should be fine

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Q3 netcode is notoriously known for being bad on 56k modem. It can be playable at times, but you usually have to stick with a server that has 6 people or less. I'm hoping Raven tweaked the netcode a bit for us 56kers, but I seriously doubt it.


Atleast there are bots if nothing else. :jawa

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theres alot of ppl that can't get cable/dsl cause its not in their area. i might get it someday if i get a job, but for now i'm pennyless. still, i can play unreal tournament very well with not much noticable lag. why can't all games be like that?

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hopefully the price will drop a bit soon. here its at least twice as expensive as dial up.


i think it would still be good to have better netcode though, even if you do have cable/dsl its still alot better with better netcode right? its playable with more people, etc...

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Sorry ryudom, I was abit vague there but what I meant was that's the last thing they said about modem play or multipay even apart from the new gameplay modes.



And hey! some of us are lazy procrastinaters so we'll be bogging your games down with 56k forever:D..wel ok, maybe just me

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i've played quake 3 and i didn't freeze up (i was hosting though hehe).


Well, that explains it. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that actually joined a 56k host for Q3. :)


I have played a bunch of UT though and i hardly ever "frooze" i think. sometimes it would take a fraction of a second for a missile to lauch but other then that it was smooth.


UT and Q3 netcodes are a world apart. You can move around in UT without freezing with 600+ ping easily, it's a rare occurance for that to happen with Q3. You'll NEVER be a good player with 600 ping in either game, only decent. For those 56kers that are hoping to be competitive, I urge you to get broadban if it's available and if you can afford it.




WTF i've been waiting 5 years for a sequel and then 2 weeks before the release i fidn out i'm not going to be able to play it!


Let's not be hasty. Let's wait and see first. You're probably right, but let's wait and see.




Guys I suggest you just go ahead and chip out the money for a broadband connection. Technology isn't going to slow down for the stragglers. I point you to evolution for my reasoning.


I know it's difficult for some people to imagine, but there are a few thousand of us out there that don't have access to broadband, but would gladly pay if we did. We are the forgotten Jedi.




That was true a while ago.... but now they have cable/dsl ALMOST everywhere.


Actually, you're dead wrong. There are still thousands of gamers out there that don't have access to broadband. I know this may be difficult for you city dwellers to understand, because you're so spoiled, but it's true. :)


For instance, I've been playing games online since 1998 and have NEVER had access to broadband in my area. We only have 1 ISP in my city and their server and our lines are so crappy that I only connect at around 26400-28800. NEVER over. Believe it or not, there are alot of gamers like myself, that use a 56k because we have to. Sure, we could pitch in for satellite, but as everyone knows, those are good for downloads, decent for uploads and are even worse for gaming than 56k. If I was to want to be a decent HPB, I would have to throw out an extra $30+ montly for what is known as the "Area Calling Plan." This is a service that allows me to dial out of my city and into another ISP. This gives me an average of 100-150 better ping, but I'm still only averaging aroud 250-400 in UT and Q2.


Hopefully I'll be moving out soon (again), but I'll never forget those thousands of forgotten Jedi that are stuck out in the sticks/boonies who love playing games online, but aren't able.

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I'm a 56k user that lives out in the middle of redneck town, USA. My connection only goes up to 28.8k maximum. I am one of many that don't have access to broadband. It's really annoying to see the fortunate individuals with broadband coming down on high pingers like myself. What particularly vexes me is when gaming servers set a ping limit. I realize that the dial up users lag servers, but I've yet to see them lag up a server severely enough to make it unplayable. Besides, it's not like we pose a considerable threat to the lower pingers--after all, we're basically just cannon fodder with our high pings, anyway. And I happen to enjoy just being able to play, even if I am a sitting duck. It's not that I dislike broadband users, it's just that I wish they'd consider things from our perspective. It sucks to be us.

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