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No ZONE Please!


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I think that the Good folks who are bringing us Jedi Outcast should sway away from the zone. There is tons of Games on the Zone, and the Zones interface just isn't the greatest. I think Outcast needs to be original, and give the host site of internet play more of a starwars feel. I just dont care for the zone interface. I would like to know what everyone thinks. I dont know why I am so anti zone, I like the online community for Ghost Recon, Battlenet seems good.

Whatever it is I hope it can launch from inside the game. Again this is only my opinon, but It just seems like the Zone is getting slower and slower. Okay so I just dislike the zone :D What do you all think?


"Just because your paranoind doesnt mean thier not out to get you."

Thier are no perfect men, only perfect intentions
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Ok, you say that....but if they made Jedi Outcast and it wasn;t on the zone, or if the zone refused to allow you to play Jedi Outcast on it i know you may be one fo the first people to complain about having no-where to play..... Granted the zone isn;t the fastest in the world, but its free, there will always be people on there on JO after it is released and for me, being from the UK, playing on a 56K (at best!) AOL UK Connection, i get very little lag on JK on the zone...so i am sure it should be ok for JO too, just give it a chance, there is always someone on the zone!! it can't be that bad!!! :) Although, yeah, it could do with a revamp....aaaah well! :):duel:

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Zone lags :(


I like the in-game multiplayer interface...I hope that the JK2 multi-interface would be much like StarCraft's...where you can instant message people whether he is in a game or not...friend list...statistics....etc


GameSpy is nice :)

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The Zone will never be able to run games as well as the in-game will because the zone doesn't employ any servers, its strictly peer-to-peer. That can never be as fast as having a dedicated server host the game. That is why it lags so much.

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Thanks so far, besides one reply which made no sense (no offense to that person) The zone is not the only free place to play games.....If you build it, they will come! Not to get off the subject, but Lan Games kick any internet games can...if you have 3 or more friends with a good computer and all like the same game... but online their is always someone ready to play for the rest who don't have access to fun LAN games, and the zone would be my last pick for gaming....it needs a dedicated server :)....please see this thread JK 2 staff! E mail this if you look at this thread and know someone who is involved in JK 2!!! It may be too late unfortunately! Only time will tell. Lets all hope. Maybe we could all go on strike and nobody go in the rooms if its on the Zone and then they will implement something else....Yeah RIGHT! Maybe if this thread quickly gets big enough it could be brought to the teams attention!

P.S. Could you imagine....NO SYSOPS! Could you imagine better control over cheaters who ruin games.

P.S.S. You can imagine no being able to get into a room during peak times. Or not being able to host because all the Game rooms are full...some with the annoying title "Recruit only, not a game" :fett:

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The Zone is a good alternative, I like playing there... I have a few friends that I play with over there and they are good honest players that don't cheat at all. The over all maturity level of people on the Zone can sometimes be frightning, but I think just like with everything you have good and bad folks.

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i don't see what the problem of having zone support is...


i mean there's an in-game browser isn't there? if you don't like the zone, just play somewheres else right? i don't mind the zone, although i haven't been to anyother sites...

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lol yeah.. seems to me every thread has someone trying to be 1337 by complaining it was said already, funny how this keeps getting repeated over and over kinda dull :D



If you arent interested in the topic dont read it.. If you've got something more interesting to say, say it and we'll all see how 1337 you are.

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I personally support the zone, but in the last 5 years, it has become incredibly stupid


take Nar 4 example, there was once a time, when u could go into nar and have a real conversation! no stupid flooders, no idiotic fools going "U N00B!!" to every1 who enters the room, no squabbling over getting games 1-5, alas these good times are gone



all junk now, zone needs to ban about 100 peeps (not that that will help, its not that terribly difficult to unban ones self) then itll be good for jk2 ;)





lets hope theres a good internal chat client :S



[edit] Yoho, i'm too lazy to read all the posts b4 i reply 2 the main topic, i just statin my opinion, its prolly the opinion of the masses nehow[/edit]

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oh great.. :( now the 1337 thing comes back again too :(


I'm just complaining because it has a bad effect on the flow of this board... we need to talk about new stuff (and there ARE new stuff topics out there), not talk about old things that have been said 100000 of times in the recent past.. If you guys would've looked at the previous Zone topics, then you ppl wouldn't have to waste ur time here to type out stuff about Zone :(


oh well..thats just my opinion.. and I don't think any of u care much about my opinion lol.. so just go on talking about zone... U guys haven't mentioned anything about awful Zone Messenger in this thread yet, so feel free to complain about it like many others did before you..

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Excellent, we can use the Zone to siphon off the cheaters and newbies from the rest of the gaming population!*





*I know, I know, it was a bad joke, and borderline flamebait, but I was in the mood, apologies to everyone else, heh. And anyway, Reactor already summurized my feelings on the subject and put it much better than I could have. ; )

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As long as they include a GameSpy-compatible option, I'm all set (which should happen anyway cuz it's a Q3-based game). If it doesn't happen for one reason or another, someone's gotta make a mod and a master server to go with it :)



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If you dont want to talk about repeated topics why do you keep coming back into the thread? I have never seen such filth in a gaming community such as Jedi Knight on the zone.

You keep coming back and back to this thread to see how irritating you can be to others. Last time I checked you cant stop someone from posting a thread? If they have a forum dedicated for off-topic discussion, then I highly think anyone cares what is threaded, especially an on topic thread. That is the whole idea of a forum, do discuss a concern or question. Maybe you should start a forum of how everyone keeps repeating the same topics...wait that would get about 50 peeks and maybe a few replies. Its almost all we have man...the guys at lucasarts havent given out much detail to have new topics anyway. I guess wait until the trailer comes out on thursday. I just wish enough people would have voiced anti-zone opinions in time to realize, hey, we need to get a different system up. Please post other popular sites to play JO on the internet.

I guess I will be going almost pure lan games if at all posible, i am tired of "Not a game, Clan Recruiting" as the title of 50% of the game tables, 4 players or its too laggy, aiming 4 seconds ahead of the target...exc, exc.


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I think that it's for the best if the game has the most options for multiplayer. The worst thing they could do would to have only one option for multiplay, whatever it would be. The zone is a good place to begin, and when you gain experience, and look for more experienced players, you can find someplace else.




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Ok first, looks like a newbie posted this thread. For one LEC and Raven both said that the game will use the ingame Quake 3 internet browser, so you won't be force to play on the zone or gamespy. <both don't apeal to me but i enjoy the zone more, easier to find my friends> :D



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