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new starwars models


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Haven't used that one but have been using the droideka he did which is okay. I think I would have preferred him to have kept the original head though.


Been playing with the LA Stormtrooper model which is quite sweet and have used the Boba Fett model in EF (and now have it for Q3 as well as the Vader. Shall check them out later on and let you know!)


I've been thinking about a JO mod variation of KFY, simply called Kill the Fool. It features Jar Jar running from room to room and everyone else has a blunt instrument with which they can beat him to death.


Original n'est ce pas?

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I guess I wouldn't mind using the BatSaber on Jar Jar.. but then using the regular cutting saber on him would be pretty cool too.. <eg>


Many fans feel that Jar Jar is the most irritating character ever to come out of the Star Wars franchise and some credit him with ruining Episode I for them...

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Jar Jar is *so* obviously the main reason Anakin S became da big bad Vader man!


Think about it, the conversations he would have...


...with Padme -


Anakin: This is all Obi-Wan's fault. He's holding me back!

Padme: Chill, boyfriend! He's just trying to be a good friend and mentor to you, teach you some respect.

Anakin: Yeah, you're right. I should cut the dude some slack.


...with Darth Sidious -


Palpatine: Give into your feelings. You don't need guidance. You're the most powerful of them all!

Anakin: Whatcha trying to say, supreme chancellor type dude?

Palpatine: The Jedi are no good for you. They took you away from your mom into a life you didn't want. Give into your anger. Join me and together we can rule the galaxy.

Anakin: No way man! Being a Jedi beats being a slave. I get to hang out with hot chicks, drive speeders like I just don't care and dance like no-one's watching! Palpatine: But you can have all that and supreme power over everybody if you just turn to the dark side!

Anakin: Too much responisibility for me, dude! I'm outta here


...with Jar Jar -


Jar Jar: Hello Anakin! Mesa back!

Anakin: Sith! What the [expletive deleted] do you want?

Jar Jar: Mesa just be dinging to speke hello!

Anakin: What? What the [expletive deleted] does that mean? [expletive deleted] off Jar Jar!

Jar Jar: Mesa thinking that yousa not be liking me! Whysa is thatsa?

Anakin: For a start, you set off my [expletive deleted] asthma...

Jar Jar: But thatsa nothing to do with mesa! Thatsa because...

Anakin: Right! That's it! You're going to get what's coming to you, you [expletive deleted] mutha[expletive deleted] floppy eared, incomprehensible, gungan, [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] son of a [expletive deleted]! <snap-hiss> Bite this!


And so Anakin's journey to the dark side is complete.


(Apologies for being waayyy OT!)

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