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Wall Running?


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Originally posted by Rogue_Ace

Endo'Cun just a word to the wise before the veterns of this forum rip you a new one...this subject has been discused in length already... if you want to read about it go back a couple pages:) ...not trying to be a jerk just informing:D


Exactly - you have started several 'new' threads that have been discussed at least once (if not more) within the last week. "A" for enthusiasm, don't want you to get scared off, just try to page through a bit before starting a new thread.


The folks here are quick - the EBX 'gold' announcement was here and heavily discussed within hours ... just like the new trailer will be tonight. By the time I get into work tomorrow and download it, there will probably be 2 or 3 pages of posts ...

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welcome Endo'Cun


Actually, the thread about this died several days ago, so It's not a sin to start another if he is new :)

However as Rogue_Ace says you can search for the old thread about this and read it, and post your comments there

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Originally posted by Tasuki

I like the wall run better cause I hate in games where you run into a wall and nothing happenes.


HAHAHA...yeah what's up with that....I do that constantly in Medal of Honor thinking I'm going to evade my enemy by scaling the wall but it never happens!

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