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Trailer answers many questions


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That is a great trailer. Never-the-less, JKII will be the greatest game ever. We've gotta admit that after seeing it. What REALLY made me happy :D was how revealing it was on the different aspects of the game. Force speed will be bullet time, there will be many lightsaber colors, wall riding will be awesome, Force powers will be SOLID powers put to good use, the weapons will be great, lightbat will exist, MP will be Quake/UT-like, Many different characters/locations, etc. etc. etc.!!!! I feel like locking myself in my room or else I'll have to follow my instincts and storm Raven to grab the game right now (or else pounding my head into the wall until I get the game). It's sad that there are people out there who claim to be hard-core gamers who know just about nothing about this game (yes, I have met them). Come brothers, we must create more converts........actually, the game will just about do that itself. It would be VERY VERY nice if Lucasarts came out with a TV commercial. :D :D :D :D :laughing:

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Awesome trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The most important thing I wanna know is: How do you controll the saber? After all there are 24 saber moves.

Will u have 1 attack key and Kyle swings as you he feels or do you allocate 24 attack buttons hehehe.


I would prefer manual swinging myself. I wanna be in controll not just have him swing for me. There are 3 modes I know, but for the special moves like the Backstab I wanna have it manual.


Wow.. gotta watch it 15 more times.

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I agree the trailer was great but I'm not as happy as you are about the MP. it just looks TO quakeish, I prefered the old JK over quake with a lightsaber. I just don't think that will be as much fun :-( On the upside where did you see the lightbat? I didn't see it at all :) of course I only watched it twice I'll go watch it again and look for it.

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Originally posted by JediArs

Force speed will be bullet time


I saw the slow down. I thought it was slowed down for the trailer, not really in game play. Is it bullet time in SP and reqular speed-em-up in MP?

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Secondary fire for the lightsaber is lightsaber throw is it not? The mouse movements are probably central to the design of the lightsaber system. Depending on your momentum, you probably swing in a different way. Sort of like the glyph system that was supposed to be in Obi-Wan but more JKish and much simpler. In watching the trailer I saw a lot of diverse swings, so it must not be that difficult to control since we just saw the system used under the stress of combat.


I'm not worried about it's quakishness. It looks very cool. It's obviously Star Wars. It has a much darker tone than Jedi Knight, which I like very much. And unlike Quake, Jedi Outcast has a plot. (oooooh, ahhhhh)


I'm guessing the angle spin/slow-down on the camera happens whenever you kill the last dark jedi in the vacinity. It would just be annoying if it happened every time you killed something. Kenn Hoekstra also said that we can disable it in the menu if we feel it's necessary.


Now, the only thing I'm still guessing about is dismemberment. Will it be in SP? Will it be in MP? Will it be in the game at all? Because it's not shown in any of the trailers, and only one or two early screenshots. I remember ChangKhan saying that it "was not removed." But if it wasn't removed, where is it?

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DigitalVapor, we temporarily disabled avatars and signatures because they were bogging down the server really badly. You should be noticing the forums are a lot faster now, and that's because of this. Don't worry though, we're trying to get together a solution to have the best of both worlds and we'll let everyone know asap.



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Originally posted by BlacKnight

I agree the trailer was great but I'm not as happy as you are about the MP. it just looks TO quakeish, I prefered the old JK over quake with a lightsaber. I just don't think that will be as much fun :-( On the upside where did you see the lightbat? I didn't see it at all :) of course I only watched it twice I'll go watch it again and look for it.


Well there should be some Q3 in it since it's using it's engine..albeit a heavily modified engine courtesy of Raven but Raven has said that the movements in Outcast should please everyone!

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Originally posted by Obi


I'm not worried about it's quakishness. It looks very cool. It's obviously Star Wars. It has a much darker tone than Jedi Knight, which I like very much. And unlike Quake, Jedi Outcast has a plot. (oooooh, ahhhhh)



I agree the SP looks great I was talking more about the MP. It looks like it is way to fast and the power ups look awful. Since when does a person drop a little glowing box? The backpack fit in much more. I dunno that's just my opinion :p

I still don't see the batsaber in MP though are you guys sure it's in there?

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you guys complain to much. You guys wanted something like the movies when it comes to saber play, and now that you got it, you think its to fast. I mean, look at episode 1!!!! The saber battle at the against Obiwan and Maul IS VERY FAST PACED. then there is the trailers for AOTC. ANd they show the jedi as very agile and nimble. So please don't complain about something that one, looks and will probably feel a lot like the movie and 2, YOU havn't even PLAYED, key word, PLAYED the game yet so don't put it down at all untill you actually play it! <i just get mad when people put games done before their released. sorry i made anyone angry. :D )



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