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Lightsaber is the most realistic ever


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In case you didn't notice, in the trailer, Kyle slashes horizantilly at a foe waist high. And the saber went right thru him (or her). In JKI it just hit the side and bounced off. Plus the "batsaber" doesn't seem to be annoying to me at all. It's easier to see the people who die when they jump in the air slightly.

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It is interesting ...


We have gotten so focused on every detail here - I was stepping through the trailer in QT, and when you do that frame by frame you see things you had missed ... but would never see in the real gameplay.


The saber was really good - the backstab was awesome. I can really feel the immersion that this will provide - something I have enjoyed recently in RtCW and MoH:AA ... a bit lacking in JK1 - don't get me wrong, it is still my favorite all-time game, the immersion is just different because of the graphics, controls and environments. I have a hard time seeing how this game *won't* become my fave ...



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I found over at Jedi Outcast Mod Center an interview w/ Chris Foster, Design Lead on JKO, It's new today. Here's my favorite part.


JOMC: What was to most fun to work on, while developing Jedi Knight II?


CF: Testing out the lightsaber combat and all its many, many intricacies. I've never before felt so close to being a Jedi in a game before. I made a special room for our lightsaber guru (Mike Gummelt) to test out all the work he was putting into lightsaber combat. It has found its way into the game in a special spot, ideally suited for a duel with a surprise foe (or two!).

Near the end of the project he even turned it into a progression ladder with successive waves of lightsaber wielding bad guys that spawn as you defeat their predecessors. A great way to humble yourself quickly.


*drool* need a mop


Checkout the rest at http://modcentral.jediknightii.net/featured.shtml

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