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Will Voodoo 3 work with JK2?


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Heh, that is kind of funny since I just replaced my voodoo 3 3000 pci last week with a new geforce gts-v for this game, but that wasn't the only reason. Your video card should work fine, it just isn't on the little list Lucasarts sent out. All that is implying is that they tested the game with those chips and know that it will work. Since voodoo is no longer in business, they probably feel it is not good to waste time on a product that is disscontinued. I just got my new card so I can make sure JO runs great and I needed a new one anyway, agp too. Hope it works out for ya ^_^.

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Like I said above, the card will work, but I can't tell you how well. The only other advice I can give is to play quake 3. If you haven't try downloading the demo. Since JO is running on nearly the same engine, it will compare somewhat. Give it a try. On my voodoo 3 for quake 3 I got on average from 30 to 50 fps which is ok. Now with my new card I get 70 and up the whole time for the most part.

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It should run, but don't expect decent framerates. If there is a lot of action on the screen your FPS will polly drop down to an unplayable level even with all the settings turned down. It also depends on your CPU.


And what about that mother board only supporting up to voodoo 3? Perhaps you are getting confused over AGP and PCI slots. I think ATI makes a decent PCI card with 32 megs of RAM (or more I forget) and the radeon chipset that should work in place of a v3 (and is more then twice as good).


Honestly, I don't know why people liked Voodoo. I guess they just didn't know any better. They whent out of buisness for a reason and they always did poorly when compared to ATI or NVidia in FPS. They were cheap, that's about the best I can say for them.

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Hmmm you might look and see if there is a BIOS update for your board that might make it x2/x4 compatable. I also keep thinking that the newer AGP cards have to be x1 compatable but I'd have to look.


What is your CPU? You might want to build a new computers anyways. If you're on a budget buy a Duron and salvage what parts you can (CD-ROM, Floppy, RAM, Soundcard, ect...) out of the comp you have now. You could build a comp that would run JK2 nicely for under 300 USD.



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I think you guys are confusing AGP 1x/2x/4x with the AGP 1.0 and 2.0 compliancy specs. From what Armed's saying it sounds like he has a AGP 1.0 spec slot that, coincidentally, can only manage the AGP 1x speed. Sounds like has a Socket 7 board. The only non-voodoo card I was able to run successfully in an AGP slot like that was an original GeForce2 MX. Worked great. Most likely, none of the new video cards will work in that board. And, my guess is that JO will be unplayable on your machine regardless of what video card you put in it.


I don't know why people liked Voodoo
This has got to be one of the most clueless statements I've ever heard about the true pioneer of 3D gaming hardware!
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Originally posted by armed201

Unfortunately thats the best vid card I can get at this current time. I have had it for 2 years. Will it work with JK2? I have 3dfx tools so I tweaked the voodoo 3 graphics capabilities higher than a retard on crack.


If I were going to buy a new card right now, I would buy the GF4 minimum 64 meg and would try for the 128 meg version. That is an expensive card...all lines save the MX versions which I would stay away from because they are crippled GF4's. The best bang for the buck is the ATI Radeon 8500 card. It's faster than the GF3 cards, perhaps not the GF3 Ti500 but all the others. U can find it as little as $138 on http://www.pricewatch.com and that is the 64 meg version by the way. Now if you have the moola...get the GF4 4200 at least. I think the GF4 4600 ($377 even at Pricewatch) is a little ridiculous as the 4400 would be the most I would pay...unless I could throw money away and I can't.


That's not to say that your card will not run JKO but you might have to set some of the features down on it. Like I said...the best deal is the ATI Radeon 8500! I have a GF3 (no Ti, mine was just before that and it's not an MX version either). Now if you happen to be a lucky person with a Voodoo 5 6000, JKO would run almost as good on it as a GF3 Ti500!

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Yes, I know that Voodoo was one of the first to really work in true 3D. But as I said they whent out of buisness for a reason. They just weren't cutting it against ATI and NVidia, not to mention they relied to heavily on a graphics lib (Glide) that only they had. Most devs would rather have to work in just OpenGL or Dx and not in combination with glide. That just adds more work.


The V5 just couldn't compare in the FPS field with ATI and NVidia. It wasn't that way at the beginning but it was that way at the end. The V5 got owned in benchmarks against the Radeon and GF3.

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Originally posted by Bowen

U can find it as little as $138 on http://www.pricewatch.com and that is the 64 meg version by the way. Now if you have the moola...get the GF4 4200 at least. I think the GF4 4600 ($377 even at Pricewatch) is a little ridiculous as the 4400 would be the most I would pay...unless I could throw money away and I can't.


Dont' get the gf4mx it will run at at about the same speed as a top of the line gf2 and you won't have all the hardware support such as vertex shaders etc. that a regular gf4 does. you're better off spending a little extra and getting a decent gf3.

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Well I used to have a Voodoo 4 4500 32MB PCI then I upgraded to a Geforce 2MX/400 64MB PCI, I know I know it's PCI! But my CPU does not have an AGP slot!


But I think since I can run Q3,EF,and TA good so I could prob run JO good!


Also I can Run MOHAA on 1024x74632bit with everything on high and get about 25FPS a sec.



I also have 512MB ram and a 766mhz.

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