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Can you customize AI bots?


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Dont know if anyone knows, or if its been answered before.


Can you customize AI bots such as force powers?

I know they will have a difficulty setting, but a force power setting would be a nice addition and maybe choosing if you wanted them to be Non-Jedi. (it would rock to throw some bounty hunter bots such as fett and Id88 into a deathmatch) :D

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Hmm....good idea....I never thought about customizing Force powers for the bots, but I would certainly think that one or more people thought about that at either Raven, Activision or Lucasarts. I'm looking forward to playing with the bots as much as the SP game! I'm of course looking forward to online play but sometimes it fun to play with just bots and you have a guarantee of no lag!! :)

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I hope you can also customise their weapons.


If not,


I'll play Jedi Master mode with stormtrooper bots.


I just need to make sure I get the saber, adn then the fun begins.


Me with saber and force powers vs. 4 (or more) easy stormies with only regular guns.


Now if there were some way to restrict them to stormtrooper blasters only it'd be even better :)

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Yeah bots sound like one of my fav things in the game! Lotsa possibilities hopefully.


Cant wait for some big saber fights (like 5 jedi vs 5 sith, me being one of them)


Or, if you can really customise weapons and force powers, how about 3 jedi or sith (one of em is you) vs 8+ stormie bots with no force and just their blasters... And they respawn of course :)




I really really HOPE that this kind of bot configuring is possible, otherwise, i hope someone enables it with mod, or Raven reads this and puts it in a patch or expansion pack :)

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Yeah that would rock, i would re-create the junkyard fight against ig88 like in shadows of the empire. But id throw in some other bounty hunters too.


Even if you cant customize them from the retail, im sure there will be a patch or a mod to do so.

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I imagine you will be able to customize the bots, at least force powers. I heard from the previews that there will be multiple bot "personalities" which cause them to behave in certain ways(probably like only use saber, only use guns, be very aggressive, etc).


As for recreating scenes, remember that all the bots will be just like players; they'll most likely all have sabers, can pick up guns, can use the force, etc. If you feel like running around beating on helpless stormtroopers and such, singleplayer will be much better suited for it.

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